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开源 GameBoy 游戏开发工具 GB Studio 4.0.1 + x64 中文多语免费版

开源 GameBoy 游戏开发工具 GB Studio 4.0.1 + x64 中文多语免费版

作者:大眼仔~旭 日期:11小时前 评论:2 条

摘要:开源 GameBoy 游戏开发工具 GB Studio 中文版是适用于您最喜爱的手持视频游戏系统的快速且易于使用的拖放式复古游戏创建器。对于玩过 NES 游戏或者 GBA、GBC、GB 类模拟器的游戏相信对这些游戏画面肯定不陌生。而 GB Studio 工具就是用来快速开发这类游戏的工具。目前 GB Studio 开源…

开源 GameBoy 游戏开发工具 GB Studio 中文版是适用于您最喜爱的手持视频游戏系统的快速且易于使用的拖放式复古游戏创建器。对于玩过 NES 游戏或者 GBA、GBC、GB 类模拟器的游戏相信对这些游戏画面肯定不陌生。而 GB Studio 工具就是用来快速开发这类游戏的工具。目前 GB Studio 开源并发布在 Github 社区上,您可以随时在页面中获取最新版本。

GB Studio

GB Studio

GB Studio 是一款轻量级游戏构建器应用程序,适用于任何想要创建复古游戏但没有编程或编码知识的人。



这些元素中的每一个都可以使用位于主窗口右侧的菜单进行自定义。您可以指定名称、类型、背景或添加事件、演员和额外场景。最终项目可以导出为 ROM(您可以在模拟器中运行)或 Web,以便您可以在浏览器中欣赏它们。在工作时,您可以点击播放按钮随时了解您的进度。

不幸的是,该程序没有专门的编辑器来帮助您创建资产,因此您需要使用其他第三方软件来制作它们。对于图形,您可以使用任何可以输出 PNG 的应用程序,对于精灵和更复杂的 UI 元素,您需要使用更高级的工具。

尽管您需要自带资产,但 GB Studio 是一个简单易用的实用程序,它提供了一个直观的框架来创建复古游戏。因此,如果您对街机时代玩过的游戏怀旧,或者想制作自己喜欢的复古游戏版本,那么您应该考虑尝试一下这个工具。

GB Studio 开源社区中的中文语言并不完善,大眼仔已经手动翻译并提交中文。不过 GB Studio 中的部分仍然有英文,需要作者添加字符串来完善语言。

GB Studio 许可证

MIT 许可证


What’s new in GB Studio 4.0.1
Jul 22, 2024
MAX_GLOBAL_VARS made available in game_globals.h for use in engine plugins @kinostl
Add ability to set “On Load” script in “Game Data Save” event allowing you to reinitialise runtime changes such as palettes, sprites or tile data which are not stored when saving a game
Add Bahasa Indonesia localisation. @kiraware
Add option to toggle spell check using “Edit / Spelling and Grammar / Check Spelling While Typing” setting on menu
Updated Simplified Chinese localisation. @wcxu21
Improve legibility of extra collision tiles by using a pixel font “Public Pixel” by GGBot @kinostl
Updated Polish localisation. @ReptiIe
Changed wording of batteryless save feature and added warning when feature is enabled to explain that only very specific cartridges will be supported
Updated Japanese localisation. @tomo666
Optimise wait event CPU use when when waiting for 1-4 frames by using VM_IDLE
Updated to latest GBVM
Fix typo with white tile reference in engine UI @kevinfoley
Fix issue where text codes would only autocomplete only using localised names. !Font, !Speed, !Instant and !Cursor will no list results regardless of user’s language setting
Fix issue where rename button wouldn’t appear for variables used in script values
Fix issue where actors referenced within scripts were not always being linked correctly
Fix issue where moving actors relatively off left or top of screen would cause coordinates to wrap, causing them to move in wrong direction
Fix issue in Japanese localisation where dialogue and expression text editors would show caret at incorrect location
Fix issue where save/load wouldn’t work in game preview or web export when “Enable Batteryless Saving” was enabled, this setting is now ignored unless exporting a ROM file
Fix issue where selecting the current field in engine field events caused the value to be lost
Fix issue where changing script in Call Script event would keep references to previous script’s args causing issues when nesting scripts
Fix issue where commented conditional statements within custom scripts could cause “Unknown arg” errors
Fix issue causing much higher CPU use when using “If” statements and expressions compared with version 3.2
Fix issue when using IME input for languages such as Japanese, Chinese, Korean where rename and search functionality would finish early while text is still being composed @tomo666
Fix issue where pressing “Enter” when adding an unknown reference to a GBVM script would cause the application to crash
Removed “Replace Default For Scene Type” checkbox from “Set Player Sprite Sheet” event which hasn’t worked since the early 3.0 releases and contained multiple issues even when “working”. Recommended replacement is to use scripts in Scene “On Init” and Save Data “On Load” to initialise player sprites based on variables


声明:大眼仔旭 | 本文采用署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议[CC BY-NC-SA]进行授权
文章名称:《开源 GameBoy 游戏开发工具 GB Studio 4.0.1 + x64 中文多语免费版
本站资源仅供个人学习交流,请于下载后 24 小时内删除,不允许用于商业用途,否则法律问题自行承担。
全部评论: (2条)
  1. 鳗骨杀手2014-12-15 17:08 回复
    旭大,3.6.5新版出来了,建议更新内容啊! :roll:
  2. ngli2022-01-27 21:47 回复

