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免费二进制新闻阅读器 SABnzbd 4.2.3 中文多语免费版

免费二进制新闻阅读器 SABnzbd 4.2.3 中文多语免费版

作者:大眼仔~旭 日期:1个月前 (03-10) 评论:9 条

摘要:尽管社交媒体平台在过去一年不断发展,但许多人仍然更喜欢 Usenet 等经典平台。 Usenet 的工作方式与 Facebook、Reddit 或 Twitter 类似,曾经是最受欢迎的平台之一,人们可以在其中加入各种主题的群组。再说一次,Usenet 并不是很容易使用,在这种情况下,大眼仔(www.dayanzai.…

尽管社交媒体平台在过去一年不断发展,但许多人仍然更喜欢 Usenet 等经典平台。 Usenet 的工作方式与 Facebook、Reddit 或 Twitter 类似,曾经是最受欢迎的平台之一,人们可以在其中加入各种主题的群组。再说一次,Usenet 并不是很容易使用,在这种情况下,大眼仔(www.dayanzai.me)觉得最好的选择是依赖客户端,例如 SABnzbd 中文版

免费二进制新闻阅读器 SABnzbd 中文多语免费版

免费二进制新闻阅读器 SABnzbd 中文多语免费版

SABnzbd 功能特色

SABnzbd 可在 Windows、macOS、Unix 和 NAS 设备上运行。 您可以从任何带有 Web 浏览器的设备(包括 iOS 和 Android 手机和平板电脑)访问和管理 SABnzbd。

借助响应式 Glitter 界面,您可以从任何设备访问 SABnzbd 并管理您的下载:台式机、平板电脑或手机。 其他人已经制作了 Android/iOS (LunaSea)、Android (nzb360) 和 iOS (nzbUnity) 应用程序来管理 SABnzbd。

Sonarr、SickChill、Radarr、Headphones、Lidarr 等应用程序可以与 SABnzbd 集成并自动化您的下载过程。
SABnzbd 还可以读取和处理 RSS 提要、激活自定义脚本并通知您。

16 种语言
SABnzbd 现在附带 16 个本地化版本:
简体中文、英语、丹麦语、德语、西班牙语(castellano)、法语、荷兰语、挪威语、波兰语、葡萄牙语、巴西语、罗马语、芬兰语、瑞典语、русский язык、српски、עִבְרררי

允许您从各种 Usenet 服务中获取文件

一旦您通过配置,无论您是要上传还是下载内容,该应用程序都不会给您带来任何麻烦。添加 NZB 文件可以通过拖放文件来完成,而上传则需要附加文件。该工具允许您添加名称、密码、类别(您可以从“设置”中进一步自定义)、设置优先级、指定后期处理的类型,甚至添加脚本(如果您正在使用它们)。

对于喜欢 Usenet 的任何人来说,这是一个整体可靠的客户端

总而言之,SABnzbd 是一个专门的工具,它包含许多高级和基本功能,以满足任何需求和偏好。如果您的新闻提要依赖 Usenet,那么也许您可以考虑尝试使用该应用程序。

SABnzbd 许可证

SABnzbd *不负任何担保责任*。 这是一款自由软件,欢迎您在约定的条件下传播。 本软件依 GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE 第 2 版或 (若您愿意) 任意较新版本授权。


SABnzbd 4.2.3
This is the third bug-fix release of SABnzbd 4.2.0.
Bug-fixes and changes since 4.2.2:
Handle new status code for missing articles, which would result in timeouts.
This specifically affects Giganews and its resellers.
Retry of failed job would not use the password provided.
Optimize database handling in order to prevent locking errors.
macOS: System standby after finishing the queue would not always work.
Remove Send Group option for Servers.
Bug-fixes and changes since 4.2.1:
RSS readout could result in a crash if Duplicate Detection was enabled.
Passwords were not always correctly parsed.
Warnings could show even if helpful_warnings was disabled.
Duplicate Detection would trigger again on URLs if they were resumed.
Windows: Fatal crash could occur if ran as Service or on older Windows versions.
Parsing of filenames from the NZB was extended to allow more exotic formatting.
Windows: Installer will automatically shutdown SABnzbd if it is running.
Bug-fixes and changes since 4.2.0:
New downloads did not appear in the History after the update to 4.2.0.
The external IPv6-address is shown, instead of the internal address.
Windows: Network drives as Download Folder are no longer blocked, only warned against.
Key changes since 4.1.0
Duplicate detection workflow overhaul:
Series Duplicate Detection was replaced by Smart Duplicate Detection
that can also detect Movie and Daily Show duplicates.
Additionally, duplicates will also be detected if they are still in the queue.
More information: https://sabnzbd.org/wiki/duplicate-detection
Interface changes:
Added ability to filter the Queue and History by status.
RSS-feed that provided the download is shown in History details.
macOS/Windows 10 & 11: Added Open Folder button to Job/Queue finished notifications.
Clicking any type of notification will now open a browser with SABnzbd.
Performance and usability improvements:
Numerous smaller performance improvements were made.
Server IP-address selection was optimized.
The Internet Bandwidth test was made more reliable.
macOS/Windows: Updated to Python 3.12 and par2cmdline-turbo v1.1.1.
Configuration changes:
The On queue finish script is now set in Switches.
Reduced recursive unpacking to 2 levels, instead of 5.
Duplicate detection related Pre-queue script input parameters were removed.
You will need to update your Pre-queue script.
More information: https://sabnzbd.org/wiki/configuration/4.2/scripts/pre-queue-scripts
Stricter check if Complete Folder is inside Download Folder.
Windows: Prevent use of network drive as Download Folder.
Bug fixes since 4.1.0
Fixed an issue where the multi-select option in the queue was not working for some users.
Prevented a crash that would occur during the saving of configuration settings.
Jobs with larger articles could stall the queue for several minutes.
Ensured that server warnings are always displayed to users.
If weblogging was enabled, output was also written to regular log.
Fixed an issue where removing a failed download from the History could break active downloads.
Upgrade notices
You can directly upgrade from version 3.0.0 and newer.
Upgrading from older versions will require performing a Queue repair.
Downgrading from version 4.2.0 or newer to 3.7.2 or older will require
performing a Queue repair due to changes in the internal data format.


声明:大眼仔旭 | 本文采用署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议[CC BY-NC-SA]进行授权
文章名称:《免费二进制新闻阅读器 SABnzbd 4.2.3 中文多语免费版
本站资源仅供个人学习交流,请于下载后 24 小时内删除,不允许用于商业用途,否则法律问题自行承担。
全部评论: (9条)
  1. 天山游客2014-12-16 14:37 回复
  2. 王四2015-04-16 18:41 回复
  3. 斑驳2015-11-02 08:53 回复
    谢谢 深度阅读
  4. 大眼仔~旭2018-11-14 21:57 回复
1 2

