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密码安全软件 KeePass Password Safe 2.57 中文多语免费版

密码安全软件 KeePass Password Safe 2.57 中文多语免费版

作者:大眼仔~旭 日期:2个月前 (06-01) 评论:8 条

摘要:KeePass Password Safe 密码安全软件 小编大眼仔旭也用过不少的密码管理软件了,对其功能的要求也越来越高 - 这类软件密码管理功能大同小异,至于各类加密算法更不是我等菜鸟能明白的,只要不是低级到用明文保存,我想一般人也就够用了。因此其附加功能就成了选择使用的亮点。今天大眼仔向大家介绍的这款密码管理新秀…

KeePass Password Safe 密码安全软件 小编大眼仔旭也用过不少的密码管理软件了,对其功能的要求也越来越高 – 这类软件密码管理功能大同小异,至于各类加密算法更不是我等菜鸟能明白的,只要不是低级到用明文保存,我想一般人也就够用了。因此其附加功能就成了选择使用的亮点。今天大眼仔向大家介绍的这款密码管理新秀 – KeePass 密码保险箱,就是凭其独特的功能让我“一旦拥有、别无所求”的,相信经过我的介绍,你也会喜欢上它的。

KeePass Password Safe

KeePass Password Safe 中文版

KeePass 是什么?

KeePass Password Safe 是一款免费、开源、轻量级且易于使用的密码管理器,适用于 Windows、Linux 和 Mac OS X,具有适用于 Android、iPhone/iPad 和其他移动设备的端口。 有这么多密码需要记住,并且需要更改密码以保护您的宝贵数据,让 KeePass 以安全的方式管理您的密码真是太好了。 KeePass 将您的所有密码放入高度加密的数据库中,并使用一个主密钥或密钥文件锁定它们。 因此,您只需记住一个主密码或选择密钥文件即可解锁整个数据库。 并且数据库使用目前已知的最好和最安全的加密算法 AES 和 Twofish 进行加密。 有关详细信息,请参阅我们的功能页面。

为什么选择 KeePass?


KeePass 特色

强大的安全性(AES 加密、SHA-256 哈希、防止字典和猜测攻击、内存保护等)。
便携式(无需安装),适用于多种平台(Windows、Linux、Mac OS X、智能设备/手机等)。
可扩展(插件架构)和多语言(超过 40 种语言可用)。

KeePass 中文设置

安装后复制 Chinese_Simplified.lngx 到安装目录中找 Language 文件夹。打开应用程序后在 View – Change language 后保存重启即可。

KeePass 许可证

GNU 通用公共许可证 v2


Changes from 2.56 to 2.57:
New Features:
Added option ‘Prevent certain screen captures’ (in ‘Tools’ → ‘Options’ → tab ‘Security’, turned off by default); note that this may also prevent legitimate other software (remote desktop solutions, accessibility tools such as screen magnifiers, etc.) from seeing KeePass windows.
Added the new option ‘Prevent certain screen captures’ in the ‘Enforce Options (All Users)’ dialog (in ‘Tools’ → ‘Advanced Tools’ → ‘Enforce Options’).
Key files can be created on the secure desktop now.
Added shortcut keys for the ‘Copy Group (Encrypted)’ (Ctrl+Shift+C) and ‘Paste Group’ (Ctrl+Shift+V) commands.
Ctrl+Shift+V can now be used for pasting entries while the group tree has the input focus and vice versa.
Added ‘More’ button in the icon picker dialog, which shows a menu that provides two commands: ‘Rename’ and ‘Export’; the menu is also shown as context menu of the custom icons list.
When importing an icon, the file name without extension is now used as icon name.
Added option ‘Remember password hiding setting’ in the main window column configuration dialog (turned off by default).
Added support for long paths when running on .NET 4.6.2 or higher.
Some error messages now contain the type and the HResult of the exception that occured.
Some error messages are now more detailed when running KeePass with the ‘-debug’ command line option.
Bitwarden JSON import: two-digit years are now converted to four-digit years.
Added UIFlags bit for automatically adjusting weak key transformation settings to the current default values (without a confirmation dialog).
Added DPI detection on Unix-like systems.
For applications using KeePass as a library: added a new common initialization method (‘CommonInitialize’) that allows a custom error handling/reporting.
Databases are now always saved in the KDBX 4/4.1 file format; if you need a KDBX 3.1 file (e.g. for compatibility with an old app), perform an export: main menu ‘File’ → ‘Export’ → format ‘KeePass KDBX (2.34, Old Format)’.
Auto-Type: improved compatibility with Remote Desktop Client (WSL).
In an auto-type error dialog, the sequence is now only displayed if KeePass has been started with the ‘-debug’ command line option.
Increased maximum length of the main window title.
Improved handling of shortcut keys in the main window.
Improved entry data exchange menu update performance.
After moving a group, KeePass now ensures that the group is visible.
Improved database save confirmation dialog text.
When showing the master key creation/change dialog on the secure desktop, trying to perform an operation that is not supported on the secure desktop now results in a simple error message, i.e. it is not possible anymore to choose to cancel the dialog and perform the operation on the normal desktop; this avoids certain accidental data loss scenarios.
Various improvements in the simple file browser dialog (for the secure desktop).
While a hot key control of the options dialog is focused, dialog-specific keyboard shortcuts are now disabled.
Changed the ‘MAC Address’ password generator profile such that it always generates a unicast, locally administered MAC address in the SLAP administratively assigned quadrant.
In the icon picker dialog: moved the ‘Export’ command into the ‘More’/context menu of the custom icons list.
When running on .NET 4.7 or higher, KeePass now supports all TLS/SSL protocol versions that are supported/enabled by the framework/system.
Improved error messages for exception chains.
Improved serialization, deserialization and conversion of nullable booleans.
Improved deserialization of variant dictionaries.
Improved application context initialization.
Improved termination of the program in case of a fatal exception.
Various UI text improvements.
Various code optimizations.
Minor other improvements.



声明:大眼仔旭 | 本文采用署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议[CC BY-NC-SA]进行授权
文章名称:《密码安全软件 KeePass Password Safe 2.57 中文多语免费版
本站资源仅供个人学习交流,请于下载后 24 小时内删除,不允许用于商业用途,否则法律问题自行承担。
全部评论: (8条)
  1. daodao2015-04-16 13:33 回复
    :?: 这个软件密码可以双击复制 然后粘贴到记事本居然可以看到明文 !!!! 这也叫保密? :mrgreen:
    • 可水天下2015-05-09 13:43
      :arrow: 你有啥推荐的密码保存软件吗?Lastpass就算了。。。
    • 能不写吗2015-08-09 23:50
      你要是 能双击 就证明登陆了这个软件 也就是说有人盗了你的密码和密码key文件还有你的库文件 那就没戏了
    • John2020-04-19 09:35
      这个软件要配合各种插件使用的,可以和lastpass一样的自动填写密码,但前提是,你要花一段不短的时间去学习各种插件和功能,并且第一次使用时,你要根据自己的使用习惯去设置模板,一句话,一切随你的心意。 至于你所关心的问题,KEEPASS已经完全考虑到了,软件可以设置粘贴板消除内容的时间,从几十秒到几分钟不等。至于担心安全问题,他有3个组合:主密码,秘钥,还有一种不建议使用的方式,也就是说,可以单独使用主密码,也可以单独密钥,也可以主密码+密钥,密钥可以用任何一个文档,图片,视频,你所能想象到的存在于电脑内的文案,还可以用KEEPASS在以上文件基础上生成密钥。
  2. LSH2015-08-10 12:27 回复
    :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
  3. wenyu2018-12-25 19:30 回复
  4. 六指书生2022-05-10 11:28 回复
    可以把密码存在云笔记软件内,并且只写自己知道的规则,比如:字母+手机+符号1,手机号这种最好不使用自己的(可以生造一个不存在又好记的那种),这样别人看到了也没用。 :twisted:
  5. danieltys2023-10-14 09:05 回复
    建议使用KeepassXC,比这个好用点。 :neutral:

