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Windows 文件管理器专业工具 Directory Opus Pro 13.8 中文免费版

Windows 文件管理器专业工具 Directory Opus Pro 13.8 中文免费版

作者:大眼仔~旭 日期:2天前 评论:68 条

摘要:Directory Opus 中文多版由大眼仔旭(www.dayanzai.me)发布。Directory DOpus(简称 DOpus),是澳大利亚 GP Software 公司的产品,该公司成立于 1984 年,并于 1990 年发布了第一个正式版本的 Directory DOpus v1,它是 Greg Pree…

Directory Opus 中文多版大眼仔旭(www.dayanzai.me)发布。Directory DOpus(简称 DOpus),是澳大利亚 GP Software 公司的产品,该公司成立于 1984 年,并于 1990 年发布了第一个正式版本的 Directory DOpus v1,它是 Greg Preey 博士为 Amiga 系统开发的,这一开发时间远远超前于其它同类软件(包含:XYplorer,Xplorer2,Total Commander等等),也奠定了 Directory DOpus 在文件管理界的泰斗地位。

为了适应新的 Windows 系统,Greg Preey 于 2001 年发布 Directory DOpus v6,全面应用于 Windows 操作系统。随着计算机技术的发展,老式的全键盘操作已经被鼠标操作逐渐代替,人们更喜欢用鼠标来操作。

Directory Opus 中文特别版 Windows 文件管理器专业工具

Directory Opus 中文版

您是否对 Windows 资源管理器的限制感到沮丧? Directory Opus 提供了一个完整的资源管理器替代品,其功能和功能远远超过当今可用的任何其他文件管理器。

– 单窗格或双窗格文件显示和文件夹树
– 选项卡式界面让您保持多个文件夹打开并在它们之间快速切换
– 独特的资源管理器替换模式提供了对 Windows 资源管理器的完全替代
– 快速过滤、排序、分组和搜索您的文件夹
– 对文件进行颜色编码、分配状态图标、星级、标签和描述
– 查看图像、文档等。图像标记可让您快速轻松地对照片进行分类
– 批量重命名,包括易于使用的键盘宏
– 查看和编辑文件元数据
– 支持 FTP 和存档格式,如 Zip、7Zip 和 RAR
– 内置工具,包括同步和重复文件查找器
– 计算文件夹大小并打印或导出文件夹列表
– 排队多个文件副本以提高性能
– 完全可配置的用户界面 – 颜色、字体、工具栏、键盘热键和完整的脚本界面让您可以完全定制 Opus 以满足您的需求
– 高效、多线程、现代的设计。支持最新的 4K 显示器。提供 32 位和 64 位版本。

• 完全支持高 DPI(例如 4K 和 5K)显示器。
• 重新设计的重命名对话框,具有新功能,例如
• 独特的宏记录器,让您无需正则表达式即可执行复杂的批量重命名。
• 增强的脚本功能。
• 更好地处理递归重命名和文件名冲突。
• 应用按钮,可让您在不关闭对话框的情况下执行多次重命名。

• 可配置的工具栏和热键,包括在当前图像文件上运行任意命令的能力。
• 一种新的图像标记系统,可以更轻松地对照片文件夹进行分类,以识别您想要保留、打印、共享等的照片。
• 预读缓存可加快图像加载速度。
• 一个集成的元数据面板,可让您从查看器中编辑 EXIF 和其他元数据。

• 一次分配多个标签的能力(标签属性被组合)。
• 标签类别(让您将标签组织成组)。
• 可调整的标签优先级(当多个通配符或过滤标签应用于文件时)
• 新的状态图标系统,可让您为每个文件分配一个或多个状态图标(例如,跟踪哪些文件是“完成”、“已观看”、“紧急”或“待办事项”)。
• 一种手动排序模式,可让您完全按照自己的意愿对文件和文件夹进行排序。
• 一个集成的对话框编辑器,允许脚本创建自己的复杂用户界面。
• 文件显示增强功能包括
• 垂直文件夹选项卡(显示在文件显示的左侧或右侧下方)。
• 您可以为特定文件夹分配您自己的标签颜色。
• 可选的垂直和水平网格线。
• 相对大小和年龄图显示为大小和日期字段的背景(而不需要它们自己的列)。
• 新的“显示一切”模式可快速禁用所有过滤器。

• 配置列宽以扩展和填充文件显示中的可用空间。
• 列过滤器可以更轻松地查找和添加所需的列。
• 如果需要,可以使用正则表达式配置文件和文件夹名称过滤器。
• 文件复制改进,包括进度对话框中的传输速度图表。
• 工具栏增强功能,包括下拉菜单中的滚动条和不同标签。
• Lister 布局现在可以排列到文件夹和子文件夹中。
• … 和往常一样,更多,更多!


What’s new in Directory Opus 13.8
Jul 22, 2024
New Preferences options:
File Displays / Folder Expansion / Remember expanded folders when refreshing: Any expanded folders will be re-expanded after the folder is refreshed (eg after pressing F5).
File Displays / Folder Expansion / Remember expanded folders when going back and forward: Any expanded folders will be re-expanded when moving back/forward in the history list.
File Displays / Options / Clear quick filter with the Esc key: On by default, lets you disable the built-in behaviour if you don’t want Escape to clear filters.
File Operations / Metadata / Editor / Sort tags alphabetically: Tags will be displayed alphabetically rather than in the order they appear in the file.
File Operations / Renaming Files / Show control keys tooltip when holding Ctrl: Options to disable or change the timing of the inline rename control keys tooltip.
File Display Modes / Thumbnails / Expand thumbnail with focus if name doesn’t fit: Option to always truncate displayed filenames instead of growing the item with focus for long names.
Miscellaneous / Advanced: [Behavior] everything_autolaunch: This lets you configure Opus to automatically run Everything when it’s needed to do a search (note: will not auto-launch for folder sizes, only searching). To use this, set the value to the full command line needed to run Everything on your system (e.g. “C:Program FilesEverythingEverything.exe” -startup).
Miscellaneous / Advanced: [Troubleshooting] notify_poll_paths: Used for paths which have unreliable change notification. (For example, Linux/Docker will fail to send notifications for changes made to a mounted volume from inside a container.) When Opus displays a folder that matches or is below one of the specified paths, it will constantly list the directory in the background to see if anything has changed. Warning: Using this can harm performance, especially if the directory has a lot of items in or below it.
Other new features:
The standalone viewer can now selectively show only the red, green or blue channel of an image. The default viewer toolbar has a new Select Channel submenu in the View menu with commands for this. Reset your toolbar to the defaults or drag it from Customize / Default Toolbars to add it to your viewer. The underlying commands are Show VIEWERCMD=channelall, channelred, channelblue, channelgreen and channelalpha.
Changes to commands:
Added Set INFOTIPS command, lets the file infotips Preferences option be controlled via a command.
Added Set UTILITY=float parameter. Can be used to e.g. open the script log and float it automatically (e.g. Set UTILITY=ScriptLog,Toggle,Float).
Added @color button modifier; allows a button’s text and background color to be changed by evaluation clause in the same way @label can modify its label. The evaluation clause returns the new colors as two variables called text and back. Set to “default” to get the button’s defaults, or “none” to get the toolbar’s defaults.
The internal viewer’s slideshow can now use a crossfade transition between images. Activate it using the Show SLIDESHOW=fade argument. The Show VIEWERCMD=slideshow command can also specify fading, e.g. Show VIEWERCMD=slideshow,fade,on
Scripting improvements:
Script dialogs can now use palette controls.
Four types are supported – normal, alpha (supports alpha values), transparent (supports a “transparent” option) and default (supports a “default” option).
The control can optionally display a checkbox which lets the color value be disabled.
Palette controls generate “color” messages whenever the color shown in them changes. The “data” value will be 0 for intermediate changes (e.g. the user has the palette open and is clicking around within it) and 1 for final changes (when the palette window closes).
Color value can be reported as a hex string (e.g. “#RRGGBB”) or decimal string (e.g. “RRR,GGG,BBB”) depending on the Decimal property in the control definition.
If the palette control has an enable/disable checkbox, the string will be prefixed by ! when the color is disabled.
Setting the value via Control.value accepts either format string, you can also pass “enable” and “disable” to toggle the checkbox without changing the color value.
Script dialogs have new properties in the designer to enable the window title minimize and maximize buttons.
Button controls in script dialogs have a new “Right Button” property. When set, buttons will respond to right mouse button clicks as well as left, and report “rclick” events in the message loop.
Added OnClipboardChange event. Scripts that implement this event will be called whenever the clipboard contents change. The ClipboardChangeData object has two properties; count is a value that increments every time the clipboard changes while Opus is running, and has_files is true if the clipboard contains files/folders.
Added Dialog.WatchClipboard method. Allows script dialogs to monitor for clipboard changes. Your message loop will receive a “clipboard” message whenever the clipboard contents change. Call Dialog.CancelWatchClipboard to stop monitoring.
Added Dialog.AddCustomMsg method:
Lets a script dialog register one or more custom messages that can then be sent to it from other scripts.
Messages are registered by name. If a message is already registered the AddCustomMsg method will fail unless you set the optional “force” parameter to true.
Use the DOpus.SendCustomMsg method to send a message.
Any dialogs that have added the named message will receive a “custom” message in their message loop, with the Msg.name property set to the name of the message.
You can pass a single numeric value when sending the message, which will be provided in the Msg.data property, or a container object (e.g. a Map), which will be provided in the Msg.object property.
Added Dialog.msgonly script property. Set to True before creating a dialog to create a “message-only” dialog.
A message-only dialog will never be visible, but still runs a normal message loop.
Lets you use things like WatchTab or HTTPRequest without needing a visible dialog (or resorting to opacity tricks).
When msgonly is set to true no dialog template is needed. Note that only detached dialogs support this option.
Added Dialog.FlushMsg() script function. Flushes all messages from a dialog’s message queue.
Added Tab.Notify script method to display user notification messages associated with a particular tab. Currently this supports displaying a message in a tab’s status bar, but may be expanded in the future to other types of notification.
Added Image.type property, reports the type of file the image was loaded from (if known).
Added EverythingInterface script object. Create using DOpusFactory. Has properties to tell you if Everything is running and if it’s configured in Opus to autorun or not. Also has methods to start it (if it’s set to autorun) and stop it, run queries and send it commands.
Added Command.RunAsync and RunCommandAsync script methods. Runs the commands and returns immediately rather than waiting for them to complete.
Added evaluator SysInfo(“VerBuild”) value.
Other minor changes:
Script/button editors now support Ctrl+mouse wheel to zoom the font larger and smaller. The dropdown Edit menu has a Reset Zoom Level command in it to reset to the default size.
Added Date/Time Original and Date/Time Created columns for images with EXIF metadata. The existing Date Taken column is (generally) generated from these fields, so will often (but not always) show the same thing. Having these fields available separately lets them be searched for explicitly.
The advanced filter control can now search image metadata for date/time original and date/time created fields that are empty.
Improved performance of cached archive thumbnails (particularly on network drives).
Go FOLDERCONTENT now supports embedded functions, to enable the behaviour of the generated file buttons to be configured.
When editing ID3v2 tags, excessive padding will now be removed. For example, after removing cover art, most of the unused space will now be reclaimed instead of left for future tags/covers.



声明:大眼仔旭 | 本文采用署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议[CC BY-NC-SA]进行授权
文章名称:《Windows 文件管理器专业工具 Directory Opus Pro 13.8 中文免费版
本站资源仅供个人学习交流,请于下载后 24 小时内删除,不允许用于商业用途,否则法律问题自行承担。
全部评论: (68条)
  1. 神秘大虾2024-07-09 10:49 回复
    • icering2024-07-13 06:53
      保护历史记录 > 还原威胁 C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\PYG64.dll
    • 神秘大虾2024-07-14 00:02
  2. apriori2024-07-24 09:58 (1天前)回复
  3. dwso2024-07-24 10:42 (1天前)回复
    • 大眼仔~旭2024-07-24 11:40 (23小时前)
    • dwso2024-07-24 12:16 (22小时前)
    • dwso2024-07-24 12:22 (22小时前)
    • apriori2024-07-24 16:07 (19小时前)
    • apriori2024-07-24 16:11 (19小时前)
      我也是win11 24h2版本
  4. kanxue2024-07-24 11:41 (23小时前)回复
    win10 1909 2个dll都启动错误。
  5. 默默無虞2024-07-24 14:20 (20小时前)回复
    • dwso2024-07-24 20:19 (14小时前)
    • 默默無虞2024-07-25 10:37 (6分钟前)
      今天安装了13.8试了,都是未注册,只有30天试用期,本来想导入以前的授权文件再试一下,看到前面回复已试过不行,就不再试了。我是win11专业版23H2,还是先装回13.7。 Directory Opus自从更改了收费模式,改为订阅期内免费升级后,更新速度就快了,软件作者也说了,之前有些功能要憋着等大版本更新(比如夜间模式),所以都是小的修修补补。现在改成订阅收费模式,版本号那是刷刷的往上升。
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