在当今世界,网页浏览器试图拼命地复制和相互匹配的功能和最新的噱头,有一个浏览器,它比想象的更多的方式脱颖而出。 该浏览器由一个由 Opera 侨民组成的团队构建,该浏览器称为Vivaldi,自从退出技术预览开发阶段以来,它就一直在慢慢为其取名。大眼仔旭(www.dayanzai.me)推荐这款全新的 Vivaldi 浏览器保护您免受追踪器的侵犯,封锁恼人的广告,并通过诸多独有的内置功能让您掌控一切。即刻获取 Vivaldi 浏览器并享用极速浏览。时尚,快速的 Web 浏览器,提供了一系列复杂的功能和工具,可帮助您充分利用 Internet。
Vivaldi 浏览器特色
Vivaldi 阻止网站追踪您的行为,使您可以更加隐匿和安全地浏览。
Vivaldi 让您可以选择在浏览器中封锁广告——无需扩展插件,可以封锁全部广告或者按站点调整。
获取标签为您工作! Vivaldi 使您可以完全控制如何对选项卡进行分组,显示和交互。 选择一堆选项卡并将命令应用于所有选项卡,并排显示选项卡,垂直显示选项卡,堆叠选项卡等等。
快速访问您喜欢的聊天应用程序,社交源和新闻站点。 在侧边栏中添加任意数量的对象,并通过拖放’n’进行重新排列。
使用键盘浏览更快! 自定义键盘快捷键。 启用单键键盘快捷键,以更快地访问您喜欢的命令和内容。
一站式控制一切。 您会爱上它。 使用 Vivaldi 的通用搜索功能来查找打开的标签页,书签,浏览历史记录中的条目等。
使用 Notes 在浏览器的侧栏中写下想法。 使用 Markdown 设置文本格式,自动附加屏幕截图等。
利用预定义的深色主题或从头开始创建新主题。 Vivaldi 浏览器甚至可以按照您的操作系统的主题在亮和暗模式之间自动切换。
使视频浮动在其他窗口和应用程序之上。 弹出视频(画中画)使您可以在其他选项卡中进行浏览的同时遵循操作。
Chrome 扩展
即使 Vivaldi 可以无休止地进行定制,但您可能总想添加一点点功能。 Chrome 网上应用店扩展程序可在 Vivaldi 浏览器中使用!
使用 Vivaldi 浏览器的内置“捕获”工具拍摄完整网页的屏幕截图或选择屏幕。 轻松共享或保存屏幕上的内容。
通过计算机在 Instagram 上发布
从计算机上发布 Instagram,无需更改设置或下载扩展程序。
Vivaldi 浏览器是一款功能丰富的浏览器,它提供了许多独特的功能和定制选项。使用 Vivaldi 浏览器可以帮助用户更高效地浏览互联网。
Vivaldi 浏览器具有许多创新的功能。例如,用户可以通过侧边栏快速访问书签、笔记、下载和历史记录等。另外,Vivaldi 还提供了一个非常强大的笔记工具,使用户可以在浏览网页时轻松地做笔记并保存到 Vivaldi 中。
此外,Vivaldi 还提供了非常强大的标签管理功能,允许用户对标签进行分组、堆叠和锁定等。这种灵活性使得用户可以更好地组织自己的网页浏览体验。
总之,Vivaldi 是一个非常实用的浏览器,它在提供常规浏览器功能的同时还提供了很多独特的功能。虽然它可能不适合每个人,但对于那些需要更高效浏览网页的人来说,Vivaldi 可能是一个非常好的选择。
Vivaldi 浏览器中文设置
What’s new in Vivaldi 6.9.3447.37
Aug 29, 2024
[New][Windows] Promote ARM64 packages to official status
[New][Sync][Tabs] Add tab structure (VB-108713)
[New][Tabs] Allow tab renaming (VB-23686)
[New][Downloads] Drag files from Downloads Panel (VB-13976)
[New][Address bar][Settings] Add support for showing donator badge in UI (VB-108386)
[New][Settings] Autofill for saved credit cards and saved addresses (Privacy settings) (VB-100960)
[New][Blocker] Add support for uBlock ‘important’, ‘all’ and ‘redirect-rule’ rules (VB-108228)
[New][Blocker] Add uBlock option aliases support (VB-107194)
[New][Mail] Offer to quickly change ‘Reply’ to ‘Reply All’ (VB-108107)
[New][Mail] Show fetching progress with pause and resume button in Mail Panel (VB-107070)
[New][Mail][Keyboard] Send Quick Reply when pressing Ctrl+Enter (VB-106511)
[New][Panels] Add a button that can toggle desktop/mobile mode for web panels (VB-107903)
[New][Speed Dial] Multiple default groups for new users (VB-108732)
[New][Workspaces] Add a command to move an active tab to a different Workspace (VB-107794)
Address Bar:
[Address bar] Domain result unexpectedly centered in drop-down (VB-107857)
[Address bar] Add some text padding (VB-107212)
[Address bar] Badge hidden when small dropdown (VB-108036)
[Address bar] Dropdown suggestion icon is grayed out (VB-108143)
[Address bar] Should reset address field state when switching tab via dropdown (VB-107342)
[Address bar] Some dropdown items are not selectable (VB-107878)
[Address bar] Typing websites does not always offer going to root domain (VB-107020)
[Address bar] URLs with line breaks are incorrectly parsed (VB-91961)
[Address bar][Search] Hide Search Field by Default (VB-107846)
[Address bar][Tabs][Workspaces] URL switch tabs doesn’t switch workspace (VB-108548)
[Bookmarks] New bookmark folder disappears before I can give it a name (VB-104755)
[Bookmarks] Sorting bookmarks bar by most recently created bookmark just sorts by alphabetical (VB-107770)
[Bookmarks] “Added Bookmark” appears after restart (VB-108930)
[Calendar] A single broken event stops syncing of whole calendar (VB-107396)
[Calendar] Add possibility to set recurrence for last day/weekday of month (VB-101970)
[Calendar] Can’t create/edit a full day event (VB-107863)
[Calendar] Can’t delete “this and upcoming” tasks (VB-107731)
[Calendar] Created calendars do not sync by default (VB-108020)
[Calendar] Deleting calendars freezes confirmation popup (VB-108023)
[Calendar] Event titles not properly escaped (VB-107427)
[Calendar] Focus stolen from date picker dialog (VB-106507)
[Calendar] Import to remote calendar creates a new local one (VB-107209)
[Calendar] Keyboard navigation jumps to day (VB-108739)
[Calendar] Navigating to vivaldi:calendar sets up first account but does not enable calendar feature (VB-107357)
[Calendar] Single item failure in CalDAV parsing prevents valid items parsing (VB-107708)
[Calendar] When deleting an event with participants, send a cancellation notice (VB-103989)
[Crash] During quit while thumbnail screenshot is taking place (VB-105451)
[Crash] On closing tab by CTRL+W while using NVDA screenreader (VB-101331)
[Crash] Relating to panel extensions (VB-105887)
[Crash][Linux] Export password uses wrong parent window (VB-107881)
[Crash][Linux][Settings] On exporting passwords (VB-108850)
[Crash][Mac][Menus] Frequent Random Crashing (VB-108274)
[Crash][Menus] A context menu can trigger a crash on exit (VB-108963)
[Crash][macOS] On closing the “Leave site?” popup [beforeunload] (VB-104649)
[History] Diagrams doesn’t change colour after switching theme without reopen history page (VB-54623)
[History] Items persists for a short while after clearing browsing data (VB-107530)
[History][Performance] Various work to improve History Manager performance
[macOS] Browser shuts down with shortcut to close web app (VB-107684)
[macOS] Closing last tab doesn’t close the window (VB-107465)
[macOS] Confusing Sparkle error during updates (VB-105105)
[macOS] Enable iCloud recovery key and fix unexportable keys and WebAuth UVK (VB-107597)
[macOS] History swipe gesture in PWA with Magic Mouse does not work (VB-107880)
[macOS] PWAs on macOS do not recognize Magic Mouse scroll input (VB-81175)
[macOS] Pinch zoom with touchpad does not work in child frame (VB-108794)
[macOS] Unable to activate menu items found (VB-23147)
[macOS] Update stays in download state forever when network connection was lost (VB-104701)
[macOS][Crash] On touchpad zoom action (VB-108129)
[macOS][Keyboard] Shortcut to toggle devtools broken when devtools is focused (VB-107543)
[macOS][Menus] Unable to activate menu items found via Help menu’s search (VB-108596)
[macOS][Web Compatibility] Swipe gesture cannot be consumed by page (VB-107749)
[Mail] Allow creating IMAP custom folder under any folder (VB-107656)
[Mail] Cannot expand or collapse mailinglist and account view without changing the contents in the mail tab (VB-69280)
[Mail] Cannot sort by all columns (VB-67151)
[Mail] Connection timeout while waiting for oAuth (VB-107599)
[Mail] Database recovery accidentally triggered shortly after setting up a new account (VB-108825)
[Mail] Duplicate attachments when forwarding an email (VB-104731)
[Mail] Error iterating the Search DB Queue (VB-107798)
[Mail] Horizontal Mail View layout malfunctions, columns too long (VB-108290)
[Mail] IMAP table bulkAdd errors when moving messages to trash (VB-107414)
[Mail] Lower logging levels for intermittent and noisy messages (VB-102850)
[Mail] Mail saved filters are showing wrong “Search in” folder (VB-107350)
[Mail] Mail toolbar is misaligned with panel (VB-108078)
[Mail] Mark Read button added via Toolbar Editor does not have feature the opposite Unread state (VB-107532)
[Mail] Missing mail filter buttons for account (VB-105687)
[Mail] Multiple mail tabs can be active at the same time (VB-107997)
[Mail] Onboarding dialog content overflow
[Mail] Panel erroneously appearing in private and secondary windows (VB-108166)
[Mail] Prefetch performance: further improvements (VB-107192)
[Mail] Quick reply double click to return to previous height (VB-107306)
[Mail] Read and Trash mail filter buttons are missing for account folders (VB-107561)
[Mail] Replying to and from accounts in same client gives incorrect recipient (VB-107312)
[Mail] Toolbars are not shown in other windows (VB-104056)
[Mail] Uses IMAP /Sent folder when it should use the special Sent folder (VB-107519)
[Mail] When a folder is deleted on the server, messages are not updated (VB-108213)
[Mail] “RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded” on actions such as clicking “All Messages” (VB-106815)
[Mail][Calendar] Status bar icons don’t move to another window when closing original mail window (VB-106353)
[Onboarding] Tracker blocker enabled by double-click on Welcome page continue button (VB-108889)
[Onboarding][Extensions] Interruption asking me about loaded extensions (VB-108939)
[Onboarding][Linux] Pin to taskbar/launcher (VB-107295)
[Panels] Web panels crashes when hibernated/discarded (VB-105374)
[Panels][Extensions] Are not displayed in context menu on web panel (VB-104482)
[Panels] Expose panel editing in Add Web Panel dialog (VB-108671)
[Panels] Open panel indicator is not applied correctly when bar is on the right (VB-107894)
[Panels] “Windows” panel is still named “Window” (VB-95329)
[Panels][Toolbars] Move toolbar customization menu items to top level (VB-99660)
[Settings] Add Domain to Permissions Manager (VB-107455)
[Settings] Reset All Toolbars doesn’t reset the Mail toolbars (VB-107605)
[Settings] Show Typed History in Privacy isn’t linked to Address bar setting (VB-108294)
[Settings] Website Permissions filter doesn’t work correctly (VB-106773)
[Settings][Crash] Custom search engine without protocol crashes (VB-107725)
Speed Dial
[Speed Dial] Change default columns amounts from 6 to 7 (VB-108208)
[Speed Dial] Remembers last selected Speed Dial group when it should not (VB-107375)
[Speed dial] Broken speed dial images do not use correct fallback (VB-107275)
[Speed Dial] The arrow should point to the right when the input isn’t empty to indicate it will run a search (VB-107215)
[Tabs] After closing a popout; opening a new tab opens a new window instead (VB-103885)
[Tabs] Closing tab might leave ghost process in some cases (VB-104199)
[Tabs] Drag and drop of tab out of stack ends up wrong location (VB-106217)
[Tabs] Missing preview thumbnail does not display correctly (VB-104192)
[Tabs] Moving a tab to another window opens a new tab in the original window (VB-107329)
[Tabs] New tab does not open at the end of the tab bar with some settings (VB-107435)
[Tabs] New tab in existing stack changes the stack’s original name (VB-107969)
[Tabs] Previews flicker when moving from stack-to-tab/stack (VB-108960)
[Tabs] Problems with rename input operations (VB-107573)
[Tabs] Tab Thumbnail appears as you select text elsewhere in the UI (VB-104719)
[Tabs][Address bar] Tooltip should disappear while typing in address field (VB-108782)
[Tabs][Cycler] List stays up after releasing Ctrl+Tab quickly with many tabs (VB-107288)
[Tabs][Keyboard] Ctrl+Tab doesn’t cycle tabs in recently used order (VB-107369)
[Tabs][Settings] Add setting to hide memory Usage tab thumbnail (VB-108062)
[Tabs][Settings] Make the tab memory usage info independent from the “Show Popup Thumbnails” option (VB-106403)
[UI] Close button not correctly positioned in Password Save popup (VB-106584)
[UI] Focus issues on internal pages (VB-102109)
[UI] Popup asking for Sending Crashdumps has cut button (VB-107207)
[A11y] ARIA hints for custom drop-down menus (VB-108295)
[A11y] Label Speed Dial, toolbars, dialogs, and pop-outs: screen reader support (VB-107042)
[Blocker][Speed Dial] Content blocker icon appears (VB-107193)
[Buttons] Reordering buttons in floating panel doesn’t work (VB-90757)
[Chromium] Upgraded to 128.0.6613.117
[Export] Feeds and Reading List failed to export (VB-107552)
[Export] Improve error handling (VB-107740)
[Extensions] Get duplicated (VB-104301)
[Extensions] Unable to hide extensions until after a restart (VB-107602)
[Feeds] When you delete RSS feeds, they leave garbage in Local Storage (VB-106060)
[Import] Cannot import Vivaldi to Vivaldi (VB-107401)
[Importer] Cannot import from HTML Bookmarks file / Issues with multiple Firefox profiles (VB-107436)
[Importer] Styling missing for Import HTML Bookmarks dialog pane (VB-107438)
[Keyboard] Invisible element on main bar gets focus (VB-107991)
[Keyboard][Windows] Further issues with Alt+F4
[Periodic Reload] Disable missing from Tab Stack context menu (VB-97258)
[Periodic Reload] Selected interval not indicated on Tab Stack (VB-106316)
[Popout Video] PIP Window is off-screen when you used it on a second monitor which is no longer connected (VB-91647)
[Quick Commands] Add toggle to ‘force a dark theme on all websites’ (VB-107259)
[Switch Tab] Adjusting priority for the Open Tab category (VB-108046)
[Toolbars] Add “wiggle” effect to toolbar buttons when in Edit mode (VB-108288)
[Web Panels] Panels listed in the Closed Tabs menu after closing windows (VB-107117)
[Windows Panel][Sync] Synced tabs root level reports wrong number of tabs (VB-103622)
[Windows panel] Cannot remove windows from trash in the windows panel (VB-108483)
[Workspaces] Cannot open workspace with 0 tabs in new window (VB-108565)
文章名称:《全新的 Vivaldi 浏览器 Vivaldi Browser 6.9 Build 3447.37 + x64 中文多语免费版》
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- 我用的就是Vivaldi浏览器。这个浏览器好玩的地方就在于,类似向火狐一样自定义浏览器界面。在Chrome内核还没见过可以这样自定义界面的浏览器(最近有个新出的Arc浏览器倒是听说也可以自定义,但没尝试过)——我个人比较看中的功能是自带的【翻译】+【RSS订阅】+【邮件】+【自定义界面】+【笔记】+【多工作区切换】这几个功能,不需要额外下载crx插件,自带就有这几样功能。不过浏览器缺点也有:1.书签同步得用魔法;2.有时候载入图片网站之类的比其他网址要慢一些,有时候加载不进来的情况也有。用其他浏览器可以正常打开Vivaldi就不行,很迷惑。