开源待办事项列表 ToDoList 绿色中文版由大眼仔旭发布。ToDoList,顾名思义,是一款旨在帮助用户提高效率的应用程序,让他们有机会为接下来的几天、几周、几个月和几年创建全面的工作列表。 最后,由每个人决定他们计划的频率。 该程序为该确切决策提供了支持。
什么是 ToDoList?
ToDoList 是属于任务管理、项目管理、生产力、”完成任务”(GTD)、日程安排和协作类的软件。
我们有很多的选择来帮助我们记录每天的义务。对一些人来说,在纸上简单列出 “要做 “的事情就足够了。其他人则喜欢使用程序。人们对他们记录任务的地方有偏好–用电脑工具(”厚应用”),网站(”薄应用”),在手机(”移动”)应用。有些软件非常笼统,只有一个简单的任务名称和到期日期列表。有些软件则更复杂,有嵌套任务,你需要完成嵌套任务,才能认为主要任务已经完成。一些商业软件非常复杂,而且价格不菲 – 看看微软项目和类似产品。有些软件专注于特定行业,如建筑业、制造业、商业咨询、网站管理、婚礼策划,甚至是烹饪食谱。
ToDoList 是通用的、基于 Windows 的软件,可用于简单的 “亲爱的”家庭清单,或用于管理复杂的多用户商业项目。除了跟踪任务的状态,ToDoList 还包括一个强大的系统,用于记录和报告任务花费的时间。结合强大的报告机制,这使得 ToDoList 成为客户计费的有效工具。
ToDoList 与其他大多数任务管理软件包的不同之处在于,它可以创建任务的层次结构,将复杂的任务逐步分解为更简单的子任务,直到不需要进一步简化。每个子任务都可以安排一个开始和结束日期,一个优先级和各种其他属性。当每个子任务完成后,父任务会以各种方式更新,以使你了解整体进展情况。任务列表还可以打印或以其他各种格式保存,用于显示和报告。
ToDoList 是免费开放源码软件(FOSS)。它是免费的,你不需要支付任何费用,可以获得免费源代码。
下载和安装 ToDoList 并开始使用
ToDoList(通常缩写为TDL)是由 .dan.g. 在 2003 年创建的,供其个人使用。他将该软件作为自由和开放源码发布,直到今天,他仍在为自己和大量使用该软件的人维护该软件。
What’s new in ToDoList 8.3.11
Sep 15, 2024
Fixed ‘Find Tasks’ date rules which use the ‘does not equal’ operator
Fixed ‘Task Title’ showing unexpected ellipses with some fonts
Fixed ‘Icon’ hit-testing in ‘Calendar’ view when displaying tasks ‘Continuously’
Fixed ‘Future Recurrence’ dates when calculating from ‘Completion Date’
Added ‘Reminder’ to task ‘Infotip’
Fixed ‘Parent Custom Dates’ visibility in ‘Calendar’ view
Fixed pasting of ‘Parent’ tasks ‘As Reference’
Fixed ‘Task Reminders > Notification’ column sorting
Fixed ‘Time of Day’ field parsing
Fixed ‘Calendar’ view ‘Icon’ hit-testing
Fixed ‘Calendar’ viFixed ‘Find Tasks’ date rules which use the ‘does not equal’ operator
Fixed ‘Task Title’ showing unexpected ellipses with some fonts
Fixed ‘Icon’ hit-testing in ‘Calendar’ view when displaying tasks ‘Continuously’
Fixed ‘Future Recurrence’ dates when calculating from ‘Completion Date’
Added ‘Reminder’ to task ‘Infotip’
Fixed ‘Parent Custom Dates’ visibility in ‘Calendar’ view
Fixed pasting of ‘Parent’ tasks ‘As Reference’
Fixed ‘Task Reminders > Notification’ column sorting
Fixed ‘Time of Day’ field parsing
Fixed ‘Calendar’ view ‘Icon’ hit-testing
Fixed ‘Calendar’ view ‘Overflow’ button rendering
Fixed ‘Filter’ menu updates when ‘Filter Bar’ is hidden
Fixed mouse-clicking to change ‘Task Icon’ in ‘Calendar’ view
Fixed handling of ‘Return’ key in ‘Time periods’ preferences
Fixed erroneous edit after ‘Custom Date’ selection in ‘Week Planner’
Fixed ‘Markdown’ comments code page issue
Fixed ‘Notification’ column remaining time calculation in ‘Task Reminders’ dialog
Fixed ‘Time Period’ preferences to allow a ‘Day Duration’ of 24 hours
Fixed ‘Infotips’ display of ‘Custom Dates’
Fixed ‘Comments’ preservation when switching between ‘Simple Text’ and ‘Markdown’
Fixed ‘Dependency Lead-In’ editing
Fixed ‘Attribute’ fields not updating after ‘Collapse All Tasks’
Fixed ‘List-View’ row height synchronisation when ‘Icon’ and ‘Completion Checkbox’ columns are visible at startup
Fixed ‘Preferences > User Defined Tools’ drop-button arrow colour
Fixed preservation of ‘Task Reminders’ column widths
Fixed ‘Custom File Link’ column clicking
Fixed further ‘Mouse-wheel’ scrolling issues
Fixed ‘Week Planner > Create Time Block’ date initialisation
Fixed ‘Infotips’ on a new tasklist with one task
Fixed ‘Calendar’ parent tasks being ‘undraggable’
Fixed ‘Off by one’ error in ‘Custom Date Calculation’ results
Fixed ‘Mouse-Wheel’ scrolling in ‘Due Tasks’ notification window
Fixed ‘Decimal’ formatting in ‘Analyse Logged Time’ report
Fixed ‘Mouse-Wheel’ scrolling in ‘Task Tree’, ‘List View’, ‘Gantt Chart’ and ‘Workload’ views
Fixed ‘Move Up/Down’ in ‘Kanban Preferences’
Fixed ‘Insert Date/Time’ keyboard shortcut for new installs
Fixed ‘Kanban’ dragging of ‘Custom Attribute’ tasks
Fixed ‘Mind Map’ and ‘Evidence Board’ rendering under ‘Windows 7 Classic Theme’
*New* ‘Evidence Board’ plugin view
*New* ‘Dark Mode’ (add -dm to commandline)
Added ‘Word Cloud’ toolbar for ‘Ignore selected word’ and ‘Edit Ignore List’
Added ‘Week Planner’ preference to show active tasks on ‘Today’
Added ‘Week Planner’ support for calculated parent dates
Added ‘Time Blocking’ to the ‘Week Planner’
Added ‘Calendar’ preference to show active tasks on ‘Today’
Added ‘Calendar’ support for calculated parent dates
Added ‘Spreadsheet’ context-menu to populate ‘Dropdown List’ cells
Added ‘Task Font’ to be used by ‘Find Tasks’ and ‘Reminders’ in preferences
Added ‘Sorting’ to ‘Reminders’ dialog
Added ‘Thousands’ separator to ‘Cost’ column
Added more regular background ‘Preferences’ saving
Added option to paste attributes between tasks
Added ‘Auto Drag Scrolling’ to ‘Mind Map’
Added ‘Label Tips’ to ‘Mind Map’
Added ‘Comments Format’ column to ‘Task Tree’ and ‘List View’
Added ‘Scroll to To Selected Task’ to ‘Move’ menu
Added ‘Grouping’ to ‘Kanban’ view
Added ‘Ukrainian’ translation (thanks to knnsumy ‘Overflow’ button rendering
Fixed ‘Filter’ menu updates when ‘Filter Bar’ is hidden
Fixed mouse-clicking to change ‘Task Icon’ in ‘Calendar’ view
Fixed handling of ‘Return’ key in ‘Time periods’ preferences
Fixed erroneous edit after ‘Custom Date’ selection in ‘Week Planner’
Fixed ‘Markdown’ comments code page issue
Fixed ‘Notification’ column remaining time calculation in ‘Task Reminders’ dialog
Fixed ‘Time Period’ preferences to allow a ‘Day Duration’ of 24 hours
Fixed ‘Infotips’ display of ‘Custom Dates’
Fixed ‘Comments’ preservation when switching between ‘Simple Text’ and ‘Markdown’
Fixed ‘Dependency Lead-In’ editing
Fixed ‘Attribute’ fields not updating after ‘Collapse All Tasks’
Fixed ‘List-View’ row height synchronisation when ‘Icon’ and ‘Completion Checkbox’ columns are visible at startup
Fixed ‘Preferences > User Defined Tools’ drop-button arrow colour
Fixed preservation of ‘Task Reminders’ column widths
Fixed ‘Custom File Link’ column clicking
Fixed further ‘Mouse-wheel’ scrolling issues
Fixed ‘Week Planner > Create Time Block’ date initialisation
Fixed ‘Infotips’ on a new tasklist with one task
Fixed ‘Calendar’ parent tasks being ‘undraggable’
Fixed ‘Off by one’ error in ‘Custom Date Calculation’ results
Fixed ‘Mouse-Wheel’ scrolling in ‘Due Tasks’ notification window
Fixed ‘Decimal’ formatting in ‘Analyse Logged Time’ report
Fixed ‘Mouse-Wheel’ scrolling in ‘Task Tree’, ‘List View’, ‘Gantt Chart’ and ‘Workload’ views
Fixed ‘Move Up/Down’ in ‘Kanban Preferences’
Fixed ‘Insert Date/Time’ keyboard shortcut for new installs
Fixed ‘Kanban’ dragging of ‘Custom Attribute’ tasks
Fixed ‘Mind Map’ and ‘Evidence Board’ rendering under ‘Windows 7 Classic Theme’
*New* ‘Evidence Board’ plugin view
*New* ‘Dark Mode’ (add -dm to commandline)
Added ‘Word Cloud’ toolbar for ‘Ignore selected word’ and ‘Edit Ignore List’
Added ‘Week Planner’ preference to show active tasks on ‘Today’
Added ‘Week Planner’ support for calculated parent dates
Added ‘Time Blocking’ to the ‘Week Planner’
Added ‘Calendar’ preference to show active tasks on ‘Today’
Added ‘Calendar’ support for calculated parent dates
Added ‘Spreadsheet’ context-menu to populate ‘Dropdown List’ cells
Added ‘Task Font’ to be used by ‘Find Tasks’ and ‘Reminders’ in preferences
Added ‘Sorting’ to ‘Reminders’ dialog
Added ‘Thousands’ separator to ‘Cost’ column
Added more regular background ‘Preferences’ saving
Added option to paste attributes between tasks
Added ‘Auto Drag Scrolling’ to ‘Mind Map’
Added ‘Label Tips’ to ‘Mind Map’
Added ‘Comments Format’ column to ‘Task Tree’ and ‘List View’
Added ‘Scroll to To Selected Task’ to ‘Move’ menu
Added ‘Grouping’ to ‘Kanban’ view
Added ‘Ukrainian’ translation (thanks to knnsumy)
文章名称:《开源待办事项列表 ToDoList 8.3.11 中文绿色免费版》
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