开源视频免费字幕工作室 Subtitle Workshop 中文版由大眼仔旭(www.dayanzai.me)发布。Subtitle Workshop 6 中文版是另一个免费的字幕编辑工具(请参阅 Aegisub 以获取替代选项),它为您提供了一个完整、高效和方便的环境来为您的视频添加字幕并进行编辑。
Subtitle Workshop 支持几乎所有重要的字幕格式,并提供许多(如果不是全部)字幕编辑程序所需的功能。此外,此应用程序使字幕创建/编辑/转换任务几乎成为一种乐趣。直观的界面将易于访问的菜单和必备功能与高级功能和卓越的速度和稳定性相结合,大大减少了字幕编辑时间。
对于那些需要确保字幕不包含任何拼写错误的人,Hunspell 已集成用于拼写检查。英语和西班牙语词典已经集成。但是,如果需要,您可以添加其他字典。
无论您是初学者、专业人士还是介于两者之间的任何人,Subtitle Workshop 都值得一试。
Subtitle Workshop 主要特点
- 支持通过字幕 API 库在 60 多种(当前)字幕格式之间进行转换、创建、打开、编辑和保存,以及以自定义用户定义的文件格式保存字幕。
- 用户友好、多语言、可定制的界面(包括可定制的快捷方式和翻译模式)。
- 用于自动计时和文本操作的大量可定制工具和功能,包括自动持续时间、智能行调整、拼写检查、FPS 转换、搜索和替换等等。
- 全面的可定制系统,用于自动或手动检测、标记和修复各种时间和文本字幕错误。
- 支持字幕文本中的样式标签(粗体、斜体、下划线)和颜色标签——包括对单个字幕中的多个标签的完整标签支持。
- 支持显示和操作定时暂停(两个字幕之间的时间间隔),并提供 CpS(每秒字符数)系统。
- 多级撤消重做系统。
- 具有可自定义字幕预览和全屏模式的集成视频播放器,可以播放系统安装了编解码器的任何视频或音频格式。
- 提供有关字幕文件的各种信息,包括基于用户定义的时间或文本规则的自定义信息。
- 支持使用外部 Pascal 脚本,以及查找和替换文本脚本(称为 OCR 脚本)。
我们能发现的唯一问题是您需要为视频安装正确的编解码器,以防您的计算机缺少它们。字幕工作室不安装编解码器。对于我们的测试,我们想为一段 MP4 短视频添加一些字幕。我们收到一条错误消息,指出不支持视频格式。但是,在安装最新的 K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 后,问题就消失了。
Subtitle Workshop 使用感受
Subtitle Workshop 是一款免费开源的字幕编辑软件,它提供了丰富的字幕编辑和校正功能。在使用 Subtitle Workshop 的过程中,我发现该软件具有以下几个特点:
- 界面简洁易用:Subtitile Workshop 的界面非常简洁,逻辑清晰,易于上手。用户可以快速打开并编辑字幕文件,同时可以使用各种工具来快速进行字幕的校对、调整和修改。
- 多格式支持:Subtilte Workshop 支持多种字幕格式,包括 SubRip、MicroDVD、SAMI、MPL2 等等。这意味着用户可以轻松地将不同格式的字幕文件导入到该软件中进行编辑和处理。
- 实用的编辑功能:除了基本的文本编辑功能外,Subtitile Workshop 还提供了多种字幕编辑功能,如时间轴编辑、批量替换、自动校准等等。这些编辑工具可以大大提高字幕编辑的效率和精度。
- 多语言支持:Subtitile Workshop 支持多种语言,包括中文、英文、法语、西班牙语等等。这为使用者提供了更加友好的界面和操作体验。
- 插件支持:Subtitile Workshop 还提供了多个插件,如 Google 翻译、语音合成等等。这些插件可以帮助用户更快地进行字幕翻译和制作。
Subtitile Workshop 是一款功能强大、易于使用的字幕编辑软件。无论您是想要制作字幕还是需要修复现有字幕,该软件都能够满足您的需求。如果你需要一款专业而又实用的字幕编辑软件,那么 Subtitile Workshop 绝对值得尝试。
Subtitle Workshop 许可证
Subtitle Workshop 是根据 GNU 通用公共许可证版本 3 (GPLv3) 分发的免费软件。
What’s new in Subtitle Workshop 6.3.3
Nov 29, 2024
Changed the layout of the ‘Split Subtitle, simple’ window for better readability.
Prevent an error when the currently selected language file does not exists any more for some reason, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/a4a903455f/#5716
Join Subtitle: Added the possibility to order the items in the list with an extra up/down button (in addition to drag/drop).
The FFMpeg tools are also found now if their path is in the ‘Path’ environment variable, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/43/
Handled false UTF8 detections in language and shortcut files better now, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/a4a903455f/#5716
When starting playing the video the waveform audio play is stopped now instead of paused (solved some waveform audio timing problems).
The waveform extraction can also be done now using the VLC video renderer (if present of course). In this case the FFmpeg tools are not needed any more.
New translation required:
[Settings Waveform]
05=Use FFmpeg for waveform extraction
For hunspell more dictionaries can be downloaded and installed now.
New translations required:
InstallDicts=Install Dictionaries
DictTitle=Hunspell Dictionaries
DictAlreadyInstalled=Already installed
ListFail=Could not download list
DictFail=Could not download dictionary “%s”
Attention: the whole content of the ‘Hunspell’ folder is new now (important for the users of the ‘Portable’ version).
Implemented menuItems and shortcut (in the ‘File’ section) for “An option for CTRL+S to save translations as well as original”, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/45/
Solved: Stuttering GUI after mouse hovering over the seekbar, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/46/
Made the video zoom function work better and more logical, see also https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/47/
Solved: Seekbar and buttons are erased from GUI when zooming in fullscreen (permanently), see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/47/
Removed the “- untranslated subtitle -” default text in untranslated subtitles, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/48/
Additionally also removed the “- empty subtitle -” text that replaced previous text after that was deleted.
Additionally also also removed the “Mark untranslated subtitles with color” from the settings menu (untranslated subtitles have no text to color it).
Disabled the stop button when not playing (the button actually only does something if playing, even if it is enabled).
Loading translated subtitles has changed: the time stamp is used now to merge it with the original ones.
Divide lines implemented for the translation (together with the original text), see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/49/
Translations needed:
[Divide lines]
10=use original
11=use translation
Shortcuts translations needed:
Edit aGlobalNotes Edit the global notes in bigger window
Edit aProjectNotes Edit the project notes in bigger window
Solved a calculation problem in ‘Divide lines’, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/49/#f900/4697/6b1a
Also adapted the layout of the ‘Divide Lines’ window, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/49/#5817/77c4/60a3/cdae/78bd/f56e/a47f/c6c1
WebVTT files now allow empty lines within the subtitle text, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/50/
Partly solved original and translated subtitle overlap display problem, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/51/
Detecting of Overlapping subtitles and subtitles with too short pause is disabled when one of the subtitles is blank.
Solved problem “Surplus dots are added to translated subtitles”, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/52/
Solved a problem in “Search and Replace” for the translation. In translate mode the possibility to choose the characterset has been added.
Disabled now the popup menu for the text edit areas when it is not necessary.
“Smart line adjust automatically” did not work in divide lines. Solved. Additionally this feature can now be switched on or off in the divide lines window too (next to menu settings advanced).
If notes are not shown in the left window then more place is provided for the items still present in the left panel.
Added the possibility to edit notes in a separate larger window (menu Edit, Notes). Shortcuts and 2 buttons are provided.
Solved a problem with “&” in the subtitle text using the alternate rendering mode.
Removed the ‘&’ characters from the buttons on the ‘Audio Waveform’ window.
Solved the background deviation in the errors window + the unreadable text, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/f7a7cf72f2/?limit=25#4acb
Solved a problem in the info/error settings (prohibited chars a.o. were not saved correctly see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/f7a7cf72f2/?limit=25#9d56/d2c2
Translation problem solved, part of https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/f7a7cf72f2/#ccf9
Hungarian translations and shortcuts added. Thanks Lassgabe, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/9d30136f0c/?limit=25#c47a
ESC removed from shortcuts, made exit all windows (except Info/Errors), see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/f7a7cf72f2/#8cc9
文章名称:《开源视频免费字幕工作室 Subtitle Workshop 6.3.3 中文多语免费版》
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