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开源免费 Python 开发环境 Spyder x64 中文免费版

开源免费 Python 开发环境 Spyder x64 中文免费版

作者:大眼仔~旭 日期:4天前 评论:0 条

摘要:开源免费 Python 开发环境 Spyder 中文版由大眼仔旭(www.dayanzai.me)发布。Spyder 是一个强大的科学环境,用 Python 编写,适用于 Python,由科学家、工程师和数据分析师设计,并为他们设计。 它提供了综合开发工具的高级编辑、分析、调试和剖析功能与科学包的数据探索、交互式执行、…

开源免费 Python 开发环境 Spyder 中文版大眼仔旭(www.dayanzai.me)发布。Spyder 是一个强大的科学环境,用 Python 编写,适用于 Python,由科学家、工程师和数据分析师设计,并为他们设计。 它提供了综合开发工具的高级编辑、分析、调试和剖析功能与科学包的数据探索、交互式执行、深度检查和美观的可视化功能的独特组合。

除了许多内置功能外,它的功能还可以通过其插件系统和 API 进一步扩展。 此外,Spyder 还可以用作 PyQt5 扩展库,允许您构建其功能并将其组件(例如交互式控制台)嵌入到您自己的软件中。

Spyder 中文版

开源免费 Python 开发环境 Spyder 中文版

Spyder 核心组件

在带有函数/类浏览器、实时代码分析工具(pyflakes、pylint 和 pycodestyle)、自动代码完成(绝地和绳索)、水平/垂直拆分和转到定义的多语言编辑器中高效工作.

利用完整的工作区和调试支持,利用任意数量的 IPython 控制台的强大功能,所有这些都在完整 GUI 界面的灵活性范围内。立即按行、单元格或文件运行您的代码,并在输出中或在交互式窗口中直接渲染绘图。

使用 Sphinx 从编辑器或控制台实时呈现任何类或函数的文档,无论是外部的还是用户创建的。

检查在会话期间创建的任何变量、函数或对象。许多常见类型都支持编辑和交互,包括数字/字符串/布尔值、Python 列表/元组/字典、日期/时间增量、Numpy 数组、Pandas 索引/系列/数据帧、PIL/枕头图像等。


Spyder 是一个用 Python 编写的免费开源科学环境,适用于 Python,由科学家、工程师和数据分析师设计,并为他们设计。 它具有综合开发工具的高级编辑、分析、调试和剖析功能与科学包的数据探索、交互式执行、深度检查和美观的可视化功能的独特组合。

Spyder 简体中文设置

Tools – Preferences – Application – Advanced settings – language – 简体中文,点击 Apply 应用后重启应用程序即可。

Spyder 许可证

MIT 许可证


What’s new in Spyder 6.0.0
Sep 24, 2024
New features:
New installers for Windows, Linux and macOS based on Conda and Conda-forge. They come up with a more robust update process and are based on Python 3.11.
Add a Debugger pane to explore the stack frame of the current debugging session.
Add a button to the Debugger pane to pause the current code execution and enter the debugger afterwards.
Add submenu to the Consoles menu to start a new console for a specific Conda or Pyenv environment.
Add ability to refresh the open Variable Explorer viewers to reflect the current variable value.
Add initial support to automatically connect to remote servers through SSH and run code in them. This functionality can be found in the menu Consoles > New console in remote server.
Show plots generated in the Variable Explorer or its viewers in the Plots pane.
Show Matplotlib backend and Python environment information in the status bar.
Make kernel restarts be much faster for the current interpreter.
Add experimental support for Qt 6 and increase minimal required version to Qt 5.15.
Turn runfile, debugfile, runcell and related commands into IPython magics.
Important fixes:
Environment variables declared in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zhrc are detected and passed to the IPython console.
Support all real number dtypes in the dataframe viewer.
Respect Matplotlib user settings configured outside Spyder.
Increase DPI of Matplotlib plots so they look better in high resolution screens.
Allow to copy the absolute and relative paths of the current file to the tabs’ context menu of the Editor.
Restore ability to load Hdf5 and Dicom files through the Variable Explorer (this was working in Spyder 4 and before).
Add ability to disable external plugins in Preferences > Plugins.
Use a simpler filesystem watcher in Projects to improve performance.
UX/UI improvements:
Make Spyder accept Chinese, Korean or Japanese input on Linux by adding fcitx-qt5 as a new dependency (in conda environments only).
The file switcher can browse and open files present in the current project (in conda environments or if the fzf package is installed).
Improve how options are displayed and handled in several Variable Explorer viewers.
The interface font used by the entire application can be configured in Preferences > Appearance.
Files can be opened in the editor by pasting their path in the Working Directory toolbar.
Add a new button to the Variable Explorer to indicate when variables are being filtered.
Show intro message for panes that don’t display content at startup.
New, updated and removed plugins:
Add a Switcher plugin for the files and symbols switcher.
Add a Debugger plugin to centralize all functionality related to debugging.
Add an External Terminal plugin to execute Python and Bash/Batch/PS1 files on a system terminal.
Generalize the Run plugin to support generic inputs and executors. This allows plugins to declare what kind of inputs (i.e. file, cell or selection) they can execute and how they will display the result.
Declare a proper API for the Projects plugin.
The Editor now uses the API introduced in Spyder 5. That was the last built-in plugin that needed to be migrated to it.
The Breakpoints plugin was removed and its functionality moved to the Debugger one.
New API features:
SpyderPluginV2.get_description must be a static method and SpyderPluginV2.get_icon a class or static method. This is necessary to display the list of available plugins in Preferences in a more user-friendly way (see PR PR 21101 for the details).
SpyderPlugin and SpyderPluginWidget are no longer exposed in the public API. They will be removed in Spyder 6.1.
All comboboxes must inherit from SpyderComboBox or related subclasses in spyder.api.widgets.comboboxes. Comboboxes that inherit directly from QComboBox won’t follow Spyder’s graphical style.
All menus must inherit from SpyderMenu in spyder.api.widgets.menus.
All dialog button boxes must inherit from SpyderDialogButtonBox in spyder.api.widgets.dialogs.
Helper classes were added to spyder.api.fonts to get and set the fonts used in Spyder in different widgets.
Helper classes were added to spyder.api.shortcuts to get and set keyboard shortcuts.
AsyncDispatcher was added to spyder.api.asyncdispatcher to run asyncio code in Spyder. Only Qt signals can be attached to asyncio future.add_done_callback calls to avoid segfaults.
ShellConnectStatusBarWidget was added to spyder.api.shellconnect.status to create status bar widgets connected to the current console.
Issues Closed:
Issue 22378 – Spyder 6.0.0 release (PR 22401 by @dalthviz)
Issue 22374 – Check reason why Sphinx upper constraint is needed to make the splash screen work on Windows (PR 22404 by @mrclary)
In this release 2 issues were closed.
Pull Requests Merged:
PR 22404 – PR: Resolve issue where splash screen was incorrectly rendered if conda environment is not activated (Installers), by @mrclary (22374)
PR 22403 – PR: Minor fixes to Spyder 6 Changelog, by @ccordoba12
PR 22401 – PR: Update core dependencies for 6.0.0, by @dalthviz (22378)
PR 22399 – PR: Fix issue where single-instance mode was not enforced (Installers), by @mrclary
PR 22397 – PR: Update user-facing Changelog for Spyder 6.0, by @ccordoba12
PR 22395 – PR: Some last minute fixes before releasing Spyder 6, by @ccordoba12
PR 22394 – PR: Restore TMPDIR in the kernel if it’s available in the system, by @ccordoba12
PR 22387 – PR: Add in-app appeal message for donations (Application), by @ccordoba12
PR 22382 – PR: Pass TMPDIR env var to kernels (IPython console), by @ccordoba12
PR 22380 – PR: Fix listing envs in the Consoles’ environment menu (IPython console), by @ccordoba12
PR 22379 – PR: Update Qtconsole subrepo, by @ccordoba12
PR 22377 – PR: Don’t expose SpyderPlugin and SpyderPluginWidget as part of the public API, by @ccordoba12
PR 22334 – PR: Update translations from Crowdin, by @spyder-bot


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文章名称:《开源免费 Python 开发环境 Spyder x64 中文免费版
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