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开源邮件客户端和互联网套件 SeaMonkey 2.53.20 + x64 中文多语免费版

开源邮件客户端和互联网套件 SeaMonkey 2.53.20 + x64 中文多语免费版

作者:大眼仔~旭 日期:9小时前 评论:0 条

摘要:Mozilla Seamonkey 是一个功能强大的开源(免费)电子邮件客户端和互联网套件。 Seamonkey 由 Mozilla 基金会于 2005 年开发,由 Seamonkey 委员会管理。 SeaMonkey 是使用相同的源代码开发的,它强调了 Mozilla Thunderbird 套件和 Firefox …

Mozilla Seamonkey 是一个功能强大的开源(免费)电子邮件客户端和互联网套件。 Seamonkey 由 Mozilla 基金会于 2005 年开发,由 Seamonkey 委员会管理。

SeaMonkey 是使用相同的源代码开发的,它强调了 Mozilla Thunderbird 套件和 Firefox Web 浏览器的基础。 SeaMonkey 支持 Windows OS X 和 Linux 平台。 它支持 MBOX (.mbox) 文件格式来保存其电子邮件和其他文件,并适用于 POP3、IMAP 和 SMTP 协议。

InternetTest 中文版

InternetTest 中文多语免费版

为什么使用 Mozilla SeaMonkey?

SeaMonkey 是一个一体化的互联网套件。 它支持电子邮件、浏览器、新闻客户端、HTML 编辑器、IRC 聊天、垃圾邮件控制器、消息过滤器、Web 提要阅读器、地址簿、Web 开发工具等。


Mozilla SeaMonkey 特点

Mozilla SeaMonkey 是一个完整的互联网应用程序套件,提供了多种功能和有用的工具。

  • 它有一个多功能的互联网浏览器,包括标签式浏览、弹出窗口阻止、检测提要、酒吧的智能定位以及许多其他功能。
  • SeaMonkey 互联网套件有一个弹出窗口拦截器,可让您在没有弹出窗口或广告的情况下在线工作。
  • 它有一个垃圾邮件控制器,可以让我们远离垃圾邮件/垃圾邮件。
  • 它还在您的消息中心内有一个用于 RSS 和 Atom 提要的阅读器,可让您轻松阅读来自整个网络的信息。

了解 SeaMonkey 如何将其数据存储在您的设备中

SeaMonkey 主要使用 .mbox 文件扩展名用于电子邮件文件夹和 .mab 文件扩展名用于存储地址簿联系人。除此之外,SeaMonkey 还使用 EML (.eml) 来处理电子邮件。由于存在如此多的通用数据文件格式;更容易从 SeaMonkey 迁移到其他各种电子邮件平台,如 MS Outlook、Windows Live Mail、Thunderbird、Lotus Notes 等。

由于 Microsoft Outlook 是最常用的电子邮件客户端之一,因此用户很多时候都在寻找一种可以通过 Outlook 帐户访问 Mozilla Seamonkey 邮件的方法。因此,当您想切换到 Outlook 时,您必须将 SeaMonkey 数据迁移到 Outlook。为此,您可以顺利地将 MBOX 转换为 PST 以在 MS Outlook 中打开您的邮件。您可以毫不费力地进行完整转换的最佳技术是使用 MBOX 到 PST 转换器工具。

除此之外,如果您只想将 SeaMonkey 邮件迁移到 MS Outlook,那么 EML 到 PST 是一个很好的方法。选择要以 EML 文件格式导出和导入的电子邮件。创建 EML 文件后,您可以使用网络上廉价的转换向导轻松地将 EML 转换为 PST。

另一方面,如果您是 SeaMonkey 用户并且想要将一些 Outlook 数据文件导入另一种数据文件格式,那么您可以轻松完成。例如,假设您有一个无法访问的 OST/PST 文件,但您想在 SeaMonkey 中打开它,然后只需将 OST/PST 文件转换为 MBOX 并将 MBOX 导入 SeaMonkey。或者,如果您有一些 .eml 格式的旧电子邮件备份,那么您也可以将它们导入 SeaMonkey。同样,您可以将 NSF、PST、OST 和 MSG 转换为 MBOX 或 EML 格式以将它们导入到 SeaMonkey。


SeaMonkey 本身是一个很好的电子邮件和相关工作应用程序。 因此; 几乎不需要迁移到其他一些平台。 但如果您有 SeaMonkey 邮件或数据库的旧备份,则可能需要迁移。

SeaMonkey 许可证



What’s new in SeaMonkey 2.53.20
Jan 7, 2025
SeaMonkey 2.53.20 contains (among other changes) the following changes relative to SeaMonkey 2.53.19:
Use Services.focus for bookmarking from mailnews in SeaMonkey bug 1925033.
Replace the Bookmark Manager with the Firefox Library in SeaMonkey: Another followup bug bug 1932731.
Port bug 1458385 – Update SeaMonkey’s confvars.sh bug 1913633.
Tidy up channels code in cZ bug 1920565.
Sometimes tag data from an IRC server doesn’t contain a pair bug 1923211.
Fix call to updateUsers in network onAway in cZbug 1923213.
Remove unused XTLabelRecord from tree-utils.js in cZbug 1923215.
Remove unused code from connection-xpcom.js in cZbug 1923219.
Remove unusued code from utils.js in cZbug 1923221.
Switch from using arrayContains helper to using JS Array includes method in cZ bug 1923224.
Switch from using arrayIndexOf helper to using JS Array includes and indexOf methods in cZ bug 1923225.
Switch from using arrayRemoveAt and arrayInsertAt helpers to using JS Array splice and unshift methods in cZbug 1923227.
Switch from using stringTrim helper to using JS string trim method in cZ bug 1923229.
Inline newObject function in cZ bug 1924338.
Remove getWindowByType function from cZ bug 1924586.
Inline viewCert function in cZ bug 1924587.
Remove getSpecialDirectory function and use Services.dirsvc in cZ bug 1924588.
Remove getNSSErrorClass function and tidy up NSS related code in cZ bug 1924589.
Tidy message manager code in cZ bug 1924592.
Remove getService helper and tidy up code around its callers in cZ bug 1924595.
Remove use of NSGetModule in cZ bug 1925871.
Tidy up chatzilla-service.js bug 1926406.
Use Intl.DateTimeFormat in cZ’s strftime function bug 1927348.
Remove unused code from pref-manager.js in cZ bug 1927370.
Use Services.scriptloader in cZ bug 1927374.
Use more Services in cZ bug 1927376.
Tidy up some Components.* code in static.js in cZ bug 1927377.
Switch to using listbox instead of tree for cZ chat window bug 1927582.
Away status isn’t reflected correctly in channel userlist in cZ bug 1928749.
Fix too much recursion and missing variable in cmdSave in cZ bug 1930391.
Replace confirm helper with Services.prompt.confirm in cZ bug 1930396.
Use Services.prompt in confirmEx, prompt and promptPassword helpers in cZ bug 1930540.
Use Services.prompt.alert and remove alert helper in cZ bug 1931705.
Simplify getListFIle in cZ bug 1931707.
Remove various const from file-utils.js in cZ bug 1931708.
Remove unused 2nd argument from mkdir helper in file-utils.js in cZ bug 1931709.
Use LocalFile directly rather via helper fopen in cZ bug 1931710.
Tidy up picker code in file-utils.js in cZ bug 1931712.
Remove unnecessary type attributes in cZ bug 1933043.
Clean up Components usage in cZ bug 1933081.
Remove unused encodeForXMLAttribute function for cZ utils.js bug 1933083.
Move renameProperty helper into lib/irc.js for cZ bug 1933084.
Move formatDateOffset helper into handlers.js in cZ bug 1933085.
Move objectContains helper into command-manager.js in cZ bug 1933086.
Move splitLongWord helper into mungers.js in cZ bug 1933087.
Move randomString helper into commands.js in cZ bug 1933089.
Move Clone helper into commands.js in cZ bug 1933090.
Move equalsObject helper into channels.js in cZ bug 1933092.
Move matchEntry helper into static.js in cZ bug 1933093.
Move getCommonPfx helper to handlers.js in cZ bug 1933342.
Remove some code duplication in getSISize and getSISpeed helpers and improve coding in scaleNumbersBy1024 in cZ bug 1933346.
Fix secure IRC protcol handler in cZ bug 1937700.
UI: Link for download of Themes leads to Themes for Thunderbird bug 1656564.
Add ESR 128 links to debugQA bug 1909855.
Port changes needed from |Bug 1476333 – Consolidate the ways that we reference “browser.xul” across the tree| to SeaMonkey bug 1911841.
Switch from boxObject to getBoundingClientRect in utilityOverlay bug 1911844.
Align the SeaMonkey switchToTabHavingURI() call syntax with Firefox and toolkit bug 1925037.
Empty out SeaMonkey’s removed-files.in (port bug 1392913) bug 1913579.
Update SeaMonkey installer to register as handler for media types bug 1925023.
Remove obsolete chat services from SeaMonkey address book part2 bug 1909853.
Add UI for browser.display.prefers_color_scheme to the SeaMonkey colors prefpane bug 1909743.
Update SeaMonkey wikipedia icon bug 1925021.
Show specific placeholders for bookmarks and history in SeaMonkey sidebar search bug 1925025.
Adjust dragOver method of tabbrowser.xml to be closer to Firefox version bug 1911845.
Avoid boxObject where appropriate in tabbrowser bug 1911847.
Simplify tab drop indicator code and styling bug 1911848.
SeaMonkey 2.53.20 contains (among other changes) the following major changes relative to SeaMonkey 2.49.5:
The Bookmarks Manager has switched its name to Library, and now also includes the History list. When History is invoked, the Library will be shown with the History list selected. The extensive modifications were needed because of Mozilla Gecko platform API changes.
Download Manager has been migrated to a new API. Although it looks pretty much the same as before, the search option is missing and some other minor details work differently. The previous downloads history is removed during the upgrade.
The layout panel was added to the CSS Grid tools.
TLS 1.3 is the default SSL version now.
Support for all NPAPI plugins like Flash, Java and Silverlight has been removed. For displaying pdf files in the browser you can use pdf.js-seamonkey from Isaac Schemm.
SeaMonkey now uses a new api for formatting regional data like time and date. Default is to use the application locale of the current SeaMonkey build. If you use a language pack or a different OS formatting this is usually not desired. You can change the formatting from the application locale to the regional settings locale (OS) in the preferences dialog under “Appearance”.
SeaMonkey 2.53.20 uses the same backend as Firefox and contains the relevant Firefox 60.8 security fixes.
SeaMonkey 2.53.20 shares most parts of the mail and news code with Thunderbird. Please read the Thunderbird 60.8.0 release notes for specific security fixes in this release.
Additional important security fixes up to Current Firefox 115.19 and Thunderbird 115.19 ESR plus many enhancements have been backported. We will continue to enhance SeaMonkey security in subsequent 2.53.x beta and release versions as fast as we are able to.

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文章名称:《开源邮件客户端和互联网套件 SeaMonkey 2.53.20 + x64 中文多语免费版
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