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轻量级 BT 下载工具 qBittorrent 5.0.0 + x64 中文多语免费版

轻量级 BT 下载工具 qBittorrent 5.0.0 + x64 中文多语免费版

作者:大眼仔~旭 日期:10小时前 评论:5 条

摘要:今天大眼仔旭给大家推荐国外的一款优秀免费的 BT 下载工具 qBittorrent 中文版。qBittorrent 是一个跨平台的自由 BitTorrent 客户端,其图形用户接口是由 Qt4 所写成的。使用 libtorrent 作为后端。是由 Christophe Dumez 在贝尔福 - 蒙贝利亚尔理工大学时开始…

今天大眼仔旭给大家推荐国外的一款优秀免费的 BT 下载工具 qBittorrent 中文版。qBittorrent 是一个跨平台的自由 BitTorrent 客户端,其图形用户接口是由 Qt4 所写成的。使用 libtorrent 作为后端。是由 Christophe Dumez 在贝尔福 – 蒙贝利亚尔理工大学时开始开发。从2006年3月开始,截至2017年12月都仍在积极的开发。

BT 种子下载工具 qBittorrent 中文版

BT 种子下载工具 qBittorrent 中文版

qBittorrent 功能特色

  • μTorrent 般的用户界面
  • 良好的集成和可扩展的搜索引擎
  • 在许多 Torrent 搜索网站同时搜索
  • 针对特定类别的搜索请求(例如书籍,音乐,软件)
  • 带有高级下载过滤器(包括正则表达式)的 RSS 提要支持
  • 支持许多 Bittorrent 扩展
  • 磁力链接
  • 分布式散列表(DHT),对等交换协议(PEX),本地对等点发现(LSD)
  • 私人种子
  • 加密的连接
  • 还有很多…
  • 通过Web用户界面进行远程控制,使用 AJAX 编写
  • 几乎与常规 GUI 相同
  • 顺序下载(下载顺序)
  • 先进的控制 Torrent,Tracker 和 Peers
  • 种子排队和优先排序
  • Torrent 内容选择和优先级
  • 带宽调度程序
  • 种子创作工具
  • IP 过滤(兼容 eMule & PeerGuardian 格式)
  • IPv6 兼容
  • UPnP/NAT-PMP 端口转发支持
  • 适用于所有平台:Windows,Linux,Mac OS X,FreeBSD,OS/2
  • 提供约 70 种语言

qBittorrent 如何使用

qBittorrent 是一款免费、开源的跨平台 BitTorrent 客户端,支持多种操作系统(Windows、macOS、Linux 等)。使用 qBittorrent 下载文件很容易,请按照以下步骤进行操作:

  1. 从 qBittorrent 的官方网站下载并安装最新版本的 qBittorrent。
  2. 打开 qBittorrent,在菜单栏中选择“文件”-“添加种子文件”,或者直接拖放种子文件到 qBittorrent 窗口中。
  3. 如果您要下载磁力链接,则在菜单栏中选择“文件”-“打开链接”,或者在 qBittorrent 主界面中点击“添加磁链”。
  4. qBittorrent 添加种子后将自动开始下载,您可以在“传输”选项卡中查看下载进度和相关信息。
  5. 下载完成后,您可以在“已完成”选项卡中找到下载的文件,并在右键菜单中选择“打开目录”来查看文件。

此外,您还可以在 qBittorrent 中设置下载速度限制、下载优先级、端口转发等选项,以满足您的需求。

qBittorrent 是一个新的轻量级 BT 客户端,可运行于 Linux、Windows 及其他系统,它简单易用,漂亮的外观,功能强大。现在它可以被视为一个良好的替代其他 BitTorrent 软件的客户端。其实优秀的工具有很多,很多时候是我们的习惯造成了我们非要使用迅雷不可。至少在我个人觉得选择适合的才是最重要的。

qBittorrent 许可证

GNU 通用公共许可证 v2

注意:qBittorrent 4.5.0 后不再支持 32 位系统。32 位版本:点击下载


What’s new in qBittorrent 5.0.0 changelog:
FEATURE: Support creating .torrent with larger piece size (Chocobo1)
FEATURE: Improve tracker entries handling (glassez)
FEATURE: Add separate filter item for tracker errors (glassez)
FEATURE: Allow to remove tracker from tracker filter widget menu (glassez)
FEATURE: Implement Reannounce In column (Hanabishi)
FEATURE: Expose DHT bootstrap nodes setting (Chocobo1)
FEATURE: Add support for Mark-of-the-Web (Chocobo1)
FEATURE: Allow to keep unwanted files in separate folder (glassez)
FEATURE: Add Copy Comment to the torrent list’s context menu (thalieht)
FEATURE: Allow relative profile paths (Victor Chernyakin)
FEATURE: Enable Ctrl+F hotkey for more inputs (thalieht)
FEATURE: Add seeding limits to RSS and Watched folders options UI (glassez)
FEATURE: Subcategories implicitly follow the parent category options (glassez)
FEATURE: Add option to name each qbittorrent instance (Chocobo1)
FEATURE: Add button for sending test email (Thomas Piccirello)
FEATURE: Allow torrents to override default share limit action (glassez)
FEATURE: Use Start/Stop instead of Resume/Pause (thalieht)
FEATURE: Add the Popularity metric (Aliaksei Urbanski)
FEATURE: Focus on Download button if torrent link retrieved from the clipboard (glassez)
FEATURE: Add ability to pause/resume entire BitTorrent session (glassez)
FEATURE: Add an option to set BitTorrent session shutdown timeout (glassez)
FEATURE: Apply “Excluded file names” to folder names as well (glassez)
FEATURE: Allow to use regular expression to filter torrent content (glassez)
FEATURE: Allow to move content files to Trash instead of deleting them (glassez)
FEATURE: Add ability to display torrent “privateness” in UI (ManiMatter)
FEATURE: Add a flag in Peers tab denoting a connection using NAT hole punching (stalkerok)
BUGFIX: Display error message when unrecoverable error occurred (glassez)
BUGFIX: Update size of selected files when selection is changed (glassez)
BUGFIX: Normalize tags by trimming leading/trailing whitespace (glassez)
BUGFIX: Correctly handle share limits in torrent options dialog (glassez)
BUGFIX: Adjust tracker tier when adding additional trackers (Chocobo1)
BUGFIX: Fix inconsistent naming between Done/Progress column (luzpaz)
BUGFIX: Sanitize peer client names (Hanabishi)
BUGFIX: Apply share limits immediately when torrent downloading is finished (glassez)
BUGFIX: Show download progress for folders with zero byte size as 100 instead of 0 (vikas_c)
BUGFIX: Fix highlighted piece color (Prince Gupta)
BUGFIX: Apply “merge trackers” logic regardless of way the torrent is added (glassez)
WEBUI: Improve WebUI responsiveness (Chocobo1)
WEBUI: Do not exit the app when WebUI has failed to start (Hanabishi)
WEBUI: Add Moving filter to side panel (xavier2k6)
WEBUI: Add dark theme (d47081)
WEBUI: Allow to remember torrent content files deletion (David)
WEBUI: Leave the fields empty when value is invalid (Chocobo1)
WEBUI: Use natural sorting (Chocobo1)
WEBUI: Improve WebUI login behavior (JayRet)
WEBUI: Conditionally show filters sidebar (Thomas Piccirello)
WEBUI: Add support for running concurrent searches (Thomas Piccirello)
WEBUI: Improve accuracy of trackers list (Thomas Piccirello)
WEBUI: Fix error when category doesn’t exist (Thomas Piccirello)
WEBUI: Improve table scrolling and selection on mobile (Thomas Piccirello)
WEBUI: Restore search tabs on load (Thomas Piccirello)
WEBUI: Restore previously used tab on load (Thomas Piccirello)
WEBUI: Increase default height of Share ratio limit dialog (thalieht)
WEBUI: Use enabled search plugins by default (Thomas Piccirello)
WEBUI: Add columns Incomplete Save Path, Info Hash v1, Info Hash v2 (thalieht)
WEBUI: Always create generic filter items (skomerko)
WEBUI: Provide Use Category paths in Manual Mode option (skomerko)
WEBUI: Provide Merge trackers to existing torrent option (skomerko)
WEBAPI: Fix wrong timestamp values (Chocobo1)
WEBAPI: Send binary data with filename and mime type specified (glassez)
WEBAPI: Expose API for the torrent creator (glassez, Radu Carpa)
WEBAPI: Add support for SSL torrents (Chocobo1, Radu Carpa)
WEBAPI: Provide endpoint for listing directory content (Paweł Kotiuk)
WEBAPI: Provide “private” flag via “torrents/info” endpoint (ManiMatter)
WEBAPI: Add a way to download .torrent file using search plugin (glassez)
WEBAPI: Add “private” filter for “torrents/info” endpoint (ManiMatter)
WEBAPI: Add root_path to “torrents/info” result (David Newhall)
RSS: Show RSS feed title in HTML browser (Jay)
RSS: Allow to set delay between requests to the same host (jNullj)
SEARCH: Allow users to specify Python executable path (Chocobo1)
SEARCH: Lazy load search plugins (milahu)
SEARCH: Add date column to the built-in search engine (ducalex)
SEARCH: Allow to rearrange search tabs (glassez)
WINDOWS: Use Fusion style on Windows 10+. It has better compatibility with dark mode (glassez)
WINDOWS: Allow to set qBittorrent as default program (glassez)
WINDOWS: Don’t access “Favorites” folder unexpectedly (glassez)
LINUX: Add support for systemd power management (Chocobo1)
LINUX: Add support for localized man pages (Victor Chernyakin)
LINUX: Specify a locale if none is set (Chocobo1)
MACOS: Display download/upload speed in dock icon (Nick Korotysh)
MACOS: Add support for quarantine on macOS (Chocobo1)
OTHER: Drop support for Qt5, qmake, autotools, Windows < 10, Windows 32-bit
OTHER: Minimum supported versions: Qt: 6.5, Boost: 1.76, OpenSSL: 3.0.2
OTHER: Switch to C++20



声明:大眼仔旭 | 本文采用署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议[CC BY-NC-SA]进行授权
文章名称:《轻量级 BT 下载工具 qBittorrent 5.0.0 + x64 中文多语免费版
本站资源仅供个人学习交流,请于下载后 24 小时内删除,不允许用于商业用途,否则法律问题自行承担。
全部评论: (5条)
  1. 雨果2018-05-29 11:54 回复
    • 大眼仔~旭2018-05-29 11:59
    • topboysyp2018-09-19 01:14
  2. Eli0N2018-10-20 14:37 回复
  3. 洗刷刷2019-05-21 23:12 回复

