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开源免费的 Windows 实用程序 PowerToys 0.85.0 中文多语免费版

开源免费的 Windows 实用程序 PowerToys 0.85.0 中文多语免费版

作者:大眼仔~旭 日期:16小时前 评论:5 条

摘要:开源免费的 Windows 实用程序 PowerToys 中文版由大眼仔旭发布。Microsoft 正在努力开发适用于 Windows 10 的 PowerToys。该开源项目向 Windows 添加了许多强大的功能,从批量文件重命名器到 Alt + Tab 替代项,使您可以从键盘搜索窗口。 Microsoft Pow…

开源免费的 Windows 实用程序 PowerToys 中文版大眼仔旭发布。Microsoft 正在努力开发适用于 Windows 10 的 PowerToys。该开源项目向 Windows 添加了许多强大的功能,从批量文件重命名器到 Alt + Tab 替代项,使您可以从键盘搜索窗口。

Microsoft PowerToys 是一组实用程序,供高级用户调整和简化 Windows 体验,以提高工作效率。 受 Windows 95 时代 PowerToys 项目的启发,此重启为高级用户提供了从 Windows 10 shell 压缩更高效率并针对单个工作流进行自定义的方法。

PowerToys 中文版

开源免费的 Windows 实用程序 PowerToys 中文版

PowerToys 是一款由微软开发的免费实用工具集,它的功能特色主要包括以下几个方面:

  • 快速启动器:PowerToys 的快速启动器可以帮助用户快速启动应用程序、文件夹和网站,同时还支持自定义快捷键和搜索功能,非常方便实用。
  • 窗口管理:PowerToys 的窗口管理功能可以帮助用户管理和调整窗口大小、位置和布局,同时还支持多显示器和虚拟桌面,大大提高了用户的使用效率。
  • 文件操作:PowerToys 的文件操作功能可以帮助用户批量重命名、复制、移动和删除文件,同时还支持文件预览和搜索功能,非常实用。
  •  图像工具:PowerToys 的图像工具可以帮助用户快速调整图像大小、旋转、裁剪和转换格式,同时还支持批量处理和自定义设置,非常方便实用。
  •  其他实用工具:PowerToys 还包括了其他实用工具,如颜色选择器、屏幕取色器、键盘管理器等,可以满足用户的各种需求。

如果您恰好是当今许多 Windows 95 高级用户之一,那么可以怀念一番怀旧之情,因为 Microsoft 最近已收回了其不可否认的有用的 PowerToys 实用程序集合。

对于那些不知道的人,PowerToys 是一组实用程序,可让用户调整和简化 Windows 体验并提高工作效率。就像原始项目一样,此重新启动应用程序为您提供了一组有效的方法来根据您的需求自定义Windows 10 Shell。它还允许您执行各种其他任务,例如排列窗口,调出键盘快捷键等。

安装过程非常简单,但是请注意您的计算机需要至少运行 Windows 10 Build 17134 或更高版本。该应用程序有4个主要部分,分别命名如下:常规设置,FancyZones,PowerRename 和快捷方式指南。该应用程序的其他部分比较庞大,而“常规设置”部分则非常简单。它为您提供启用或禁用三个主要功能的选项,以及将应用程序设置为在系统登录时自动启动并在2种颜色设置(深色和浅色主题)之间进行选择的选项。

PowerToys 凭借其强大的工具名不虚传
第一个附加组件 FancyZones 基本上允许您在桌面上创建自定义网格,该网格可以自动调整窗口的大小以完全适合预定的布局。对于所有并排使用许多开放式应用程序的人来说,此功能非常有用,它为他们提供了一种独特的方式,使它们井井有条,始终处于可及范围内。

接下来,PowerRename 功能几乎是不言自明的。这是 Windows Shell 扩展程序,可使用搜索和替换类型的工作流程进行高级批量重命名。 PowerRename 的强项是它允许您基于简单和更高级的表达式匹配来搜索,替换和重命名。另一个优点是,当您在搜索和替换字段中输入数据时,预览区域将显示项目的最终名称。

最后,还有一个“快捷指南”加载项,当按住 Windows 键时,它为所有活动的窗口或应用程序提供了一个整洁的屏幕叠加层以及动态快捷方式。对于刚接触各种应用程序或 Windows 操作系统的用户而言,这是完美的选择,使他们能够快速学习所有必需的键盘快捷键,并最终改善他们的工作流程。

虽然大多数日常用户很可能从未听说过 PowerToys,但 Windows 10 超级用户社区绝对不会注意到该应用程序的返回。无论您是 Windows 10 用户的身份如何,都可以借助 Microsoft 的 PowerToys 享受增强的体验。

注意:PowerToys 目前不支持 Win7 系统。

PowerToys 许可证

MIT 许可证


What’s new in PowerToys 0.85.0
Oct 1, 2024
New utility: New+ – allows setting a personalized set of templates to quickly create files and folders from a File Explorer context menu. Thanks @cgaarden!
Language selection – it’s now possible to select which UI language should be used by PowerToys utilities.
Lots of quality fixes for Workspaces, improving the number of supported applications.
Reduced Peek memory usage by fixing image leaks. Thanks @daverayment!
Added a general setting to select which UI language should be used in PowerToys utilities.
Fixed internal code of some policies for Group Policy Objects, that were reading registry entries using the wrong internal functions, and structured code better to avoid future mistakes of the same kind. Thanks @htcfreek!
Advanced Paste:
Fixed some telemetry calls to signal Advanced Paste activation on the cases where a direct shortcut is being used without showing the UI.
User-defined custom actions can only be used with AI turned on, so custom actions were disabled on Settings when AI is disabled and were hidden from the Advanced Paste UI.
Fixed tray icon behaviors, not appearing and showing incorrect time. Thanks @dend!
Environment Variables Editor:
Added the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH, _NT_ALT_SYMBOL_PATH and _NT_SYMCACHE_PATH as variables that are shown as lists. Thanks @chwarr!
Allow snapping applications that were launched by Workspaces.
File Locksmith:
Fixed an issue causing File Locksmith to be triggered by unrelated verbs in the context menu.
Mouse Pointer Crosshairs:
Allow crosshairs radius to be 0 pixels. Thanks @octastylos-pseudodipteros!
New utility – Allows setting a personalized set of templates to quickly create files and folders from a File Explorer context menu. Thanks @cgaarden!
Added missing entry for New+ policy state reporting in the Bug Report tool. Thanks @htcfreek!
Added a policy for enabling/disabling whether filename extensions should be shown. Thanks @htcfreek!
Properly show file’s modified date instead of creation date in the file previewer. Thanks @daverayment!
Fixed memory leak caused by unmanaged bitmap images not being freed. Thanks @daverayment!
Fixed an issue causing Peek to not be displayed the first time when using a preview handler to display files. Thanks @davidegiacometti!
Prevent tooltip in file previewer from overlapping with title bar controls. Thanks @daverayment!
Fixed memory leaks in thumbnails and refactored image previewer. Thanks @daverayment!
PowerToys Run:
Improved the message boxes to be more specific when PowerToys Run failed to initialize itself or any plugin. Thanks @davidegiacometti!
Use capital letters when showing degree results in the Unit Converter plugin. Thanks @PesBandi!
Quick Accent:
Add the Middle Eastern Romanization character set. Thanks @PesBandi!
Add the degree sign, integral and vertical ellipsis when “All Languages” is selected. Thanks @rddunphy!
Fixed the link to the Workspaces documentation. (This was a hotfix for 0.84)
Fixed flyout issues after the Windows App SDK upgrade. Thanks @davidegiacometti!
Fixed initialization for the New+ settings page. Thanks @htcfreek!
Fixed enabled state of a control on the New+ settings page if the module is enabled by policy. Thanks @htcfreek!
Fixed a crash when cancelling the template folder selection in the New+ settings page.
Fixed detecting and snapping applications like Discord. (This was a hotfix for 0.84)
Fixed detecting and snapping applications like Steam. (This was a hotfix for 0.84)
Fixed button visibility in the UI. (This was a hotfix for 0.84)
Fixed an issue launching the wrong project when the editor was closed without saving or cancelling a new project.
Properly handle repositioning windows running as administrator.
Properly handle cases where the monitor where a workspace was saved is no longer present.
Fixed the workspace launcher restarting itself in a loop without success.
Properly handle standalone applications.
Fixed issues causing icons to not show.
Fixed the thirdPartyRunPlugins.md entry for the RDP plugin. Thanks @YisroelTech!
Upgraded Windows App SDK to 1.6.
Upgraded the Target Platform Version to 10.0.22621.0.
Added a bot trigger to automatically add a label to Workspaces issues. Thanks @plante-msft!
Fixed a regular expression in the bot triggers for wanting to submit community contributions. Thanks @PesBandi!
Fixed analyzer errors after the Visual Studio 17.12 update. Thanks @snickler!
Fixed the TSA configuration for release CI builds.
Refactored automated file component generation during installer builds.
Rewrote the Azure Devops build system to be more modular and share more definitions between PR CI and Release CI.
Fixed debugging of the New+ page of the Settings application when a settings file was not present.
Fixed setting the version of the App Manifest in the File Locksmith and New+ context menu app packages.
Fixed abstracted UI library nuget package signing on release CI.
Removed build status from Github README.


声明:大眼仔旭 | 本文采用署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议[CC BY-NC-SA]进行授权
文章名称:《开源免费的 Windows 实用程序 PowerToys 0.85.0 中文多语免费版
本站资源仅供个人学习交流,请于下载后 24 小时内删除,不允许用于商业用途,否则法律问题自行承担。
全部评论: (5条)
  1. Tom2020-12-02 21:48 回复
    谢谢眼哥,从微信公众号看见瞬间就过来了,出官方汉化版了可真是重磅消息 :grin:
    • 大眼仔~旭2020-12-03 11:18
  2. 海念2021-07-10 08:41 回复
  3. taga2022-10-05 12:18 回复
    • Tom2022-10-06 11:02
      https://github.com/ZetaSp/PowerToys-Chinese-TransMOD 从这里下载、替换以下3个svg就能实现 no_active_window.svg overlay.svg overlay_portrait.svg 不明白就直接选安装

