黑曜石 Markdown 笔记 Obsidian 中文版由大眼仔旭发布。在日益拥挤的 Markdown 知识库和笔记市场中,黑曜石是一个相对较新的进入者。 Obsidian 出色的 Markdown 支持及其简单明了的设计使其成为同类应用中的佼佼者。
Obsidian 几乎拥有该类别中其他应用程序常见的所有标准票价,但它通过为高级用户包含许多其他功能来提高赌注。 有一个视觉上引人注目的图形视图,它是存储在 Obsidian 中的所有文件的一种“思维导图”,一个可以查找和替换文件中某些 Markdown 语法元素的“Markdown 格式导入器”,并支持数学和图表语法。 这真的只是触及了 Obsidian 功能的皮毛。 Obsidian 是可扩展的,应用程序中有许多免费的社区插件可用。
另外两个功能值得一提。 Obsidian 提供了一种将笔记发布到互联网的简单方法,它将您的所有文件存储在仅包含您输入的文本的纯文本 Markdown 文件中。
Obsidian 是一款笔记和知识管理应用程序,由创建 Dynalist 的人设计,Dynalist 是一种流行的在线大纲,也是我最喜欢的工具之一。 他们认为它是“笔记的 IDE”。 它可以让您将一组纯文本文件变成一个丰富的链接思想网络。
Obsidian 的数据存储在 Markdown 文件的本地文件夹中。 该应用程序强大的链接和反向链接功能将这些单独的文件变成一个知识库,作为您的第二大脑运行。 我最初对应用程序不知所措,直到我发现可以通过插件添加的广泛功能。 你真的可以让它成为你自己的。
开发人员将其用作任务管理器、软件开发知识库以及笔记、想法和代码片段的存储库。 它因其开放的架构、可扩展性、代码块、GitHub 集成、Vim 键绑定和可配置的热键而受到赞赏。
什么是 Obsidian(黑曜石)?
Obsidian 将其数据存储在 Markdown 文件的文件夹中,因此绝对没有锁定,您可以使用任何文本编辑器或 Markdown 应用程序访问您的笔记。 可以在 Obsidian 中打开 Markdown 文件的现有文件夹。 您的笔记存储在本地,可以使用 iCloud、Google Drive、GitHub 等存储在云中。
以下是使用 Obsidian 需要了解的一些主要概念:
- 链接和反向链接:链接将单个笔记转换为相关想法的网络。 链接是使用 Markdown 链接或根据您在设置中的选择创建的。 反向链接会自动生成并显示在侧边栏中,并包含上下文。 未链接的提及也被列出。 通过在预览模式下单击并在编辑模式下单击 – 单击链接,然后使用 + + 左箭头返回。
- 别名:可以为每个音符创建别名,以便您可以使用不同的名称链接到它们。
- 侧边栏:左侧边栏显示反向链接和未链接的引用。 只需单击一下,即可将未链接的引用更改为链接。 插件还使用它来显示标题的轮廓、标签窗格等。
- 图表视图:这是笔记之间关系的图形表示。 将鼠标悬停在笔记上会以紫色显示所有相关笔记,单击笔记会将您带到那里。
- 块:每个页面都由块组成,这些块可能是段落、列表等。 每个块前后都有一个空行。 您可以使用语法 .[[filename^block]] 创建指向特定块或标题的链接
- 搜索:搜索查找包含单词或短语的笔记,并将它们显示在导航栏中,并在所选笔记中突出显示它们。 可以打开和关闭区分大小写,并且运算符可用于路径、文件、标记、行和节。
- 拆分窗口: Obsidian 允许您像在 IDE 中一样多次拆分窗口。 窗格可以链接在一起,以便它们一起滚动。 其用途之一是在两个链接窗格中显示同一笔记的编辑和预览模式。 另一种方法是在新窗格中打开链接。
- Markdown:在编辑模式下支持和显示 Markdown,但不支持预览模式。 像 Dynalist 和 Roam 一样,它不是很标准。 例如,文本是用双星号创建的,需要双下划线而不是单下划线或星号。 支持表格、任务列表、删除线和脚注。**粗体**__斜体__
- Latex:您可以通过将 Latex 代码包含在双美元符号中来为 Obsidian 添加数学符号。
- 代码块:提供代码块,支持语法高亮。 使用 Prism,支持 255 种语言。
- 折叠:有一个设置允许你折叠标题和/或缩进,允许你使用 Obsidian 作为大纲。 Outline 插件在侧边栏中显示标题的目录。
- 标签:支持标准主题标签以及嵌套标签。 不支持多字标签。 可以使用插件在侧边栏中显示标签窗格。
- 文件夹:笔记可以组织在分层文件夹中,允许您创建文档大纲。
- 嵌入:笔记和其他文件可以使用 . 语音备忘录可以嵌入录音插件。
- Vaults:可以通过使用不同的 Vaults 创建无限数量的知识库。 这些只是 Markdown 文件的不同文件夹。
- 插件:可扩展性是 Obsidian 的核心价值之一。 目前有 22 个插件可用,包括反向链接、图表视图、搜索、标签窗格、每日笔记、加星标的笔记、模板和大纲。
当且仅当您在拥有两个或更多人的公司中将其用于与工作相关的创收活动时,您才需要为 Obsidian 付费。如果是这种情况,请为每个用户获取商业许可证。非营利组织不需要商业许可证。
对于所有其他用途,您可以永久免费使用 Obsidian。
为了支持我们的开发,您可以购买一次性 Catalyst 许可证以抢先体验新的 Obsidian 版本,但这完全是可选的。如果您愿意,您可以通过 Obsidian Unlimited 做出更多贡献。
要使用 Obsidian,您无需提供电子邮件或创建帐户。只有当您打算向我们付款或使用我们的一项附加服务(Obsidian Publish 和 Obsidian Sync)时,您才需要这样做。
显然,如果您使用我们的 Obsidian Publish 或 Obsidian Sync 服务,以提供我们访问您的数据所需的服务(在 Obsidian Sync 的情况下是加密数据)。我们只做提供服务所需的事情,而不会处理您的数据。
问:我是一名教师/教授,我使用 Obsidian 进行教学/讲座,我需要商业许可吗?
问:我是一名研究员,我使用 Obsidian 进行研究,我需要商业许可吗?
问:我在工作期间使用 Obsidian 来记录团队流程和为团队会议做笔记,您需要商业许可证吗?
问:我使用 Obsidian 来存储我所有的个人和专业知识,因为很难将它们分开。我需要商业许可证吗?
What’s new in Obsidian 1.7.4
Oct 17, 2024
Shiny new things:
Obsidian Sync: the new Sync History view shows a list of edits across the vault, useful when collaborating on a shared vault. Activate it using the “Sync: Show Sync history” command.
You can now click inside a page preview to edit it without opening the note.
Views now load only when visible, improving startup performance and memory usage. This might cause issues with some plugins. We have published a guide to help developers update their plugins.
Renaming files is now faster in large vaults.
Canvas: Improved performance when panning. There should no longer be a flicker when cards enter and exit the viewport. If you’re still seeing related issues, please try switching to default theme.
Added a new screen in settings (General ? Advanced) to show the total app load time. You can also enable a toggle to get a notified when startup takes too long, including details for debugging.
Fixed choppy scrolling between linked Markdown views.
Editable page previews and footnotes:
Added a right-click menu for footnotes to delete both the footnote and its reference.
You can now create new footnotes by clicking on the hover preview of a footnote ID.
Pressing Esc now instantly closes the page preview while editing.
Page previews will stay open even if the window loses focus or the command palette appears.
Obsidian URI:
Improvements to Obsidian URI new:
Allows the use of clipboard instead of content to insert the contents of the clipboard.
Allows the use of prepend instead of append to add to the top of the file.
prepend and append will both attempt to merge properties.
Daily Notes: New daily Obsidian URI action to automatically open or create your daily note.
Obsidian Publish collaborators can now edit content-related site options, including the order of sidebar items.
Obsidian Sync: You can now filter the activity log.
Updated to Electron v31.6.0.
Spellcheck is now disabled for inline tags, and inside prompts like the quick switcher and command palette.
Added support for x.com embeds in addition to twitter.com.
Right-clicking in the gutter of a Markdown view now lets you quickly toggle line numbers or readable line width.
The “Make copy of” menu item has been renamed to “Duplicate” on macOS to match OS conventions.
Frontmatter is now hidden inside embedded editors such as Canvas file nodes and page preview.
Dragging a .webloc or .url file into the editor creates a Markdown link with the filename as the display text.
Hovering over a notice keeps it on screen until you move the mouse away.
The “Close all other tabs” command no longer closes pinned tabs.
The “Close all tabs in tab group” command is no longer available in sidebars.
“Insert Markdown link” and “Insert internal link” commands now support multiple cursors.
No longer broken:
Fixed issue where “clear” would overlap text inside prompts like the quick switcher.
Fixed bug where search queries using line:, block:, and task: only returned matching files instead of the matching content.
Pressing ArrowDown when the inline title is focused now properly focuses the editor if the property editor is hidden.
Fixed issue where renaming a file would mangle Markdown links if the link destination was inside angle brackets.
Fixed issue where moving a PDF view to a pop-out window caused errors.
Fixed issue where “Export to PDF” created visual artifacts next to external links in right-to-left text.
Fixed bug where some commands would cause the editor autocomplete to appear unexpectedly.
Fixed bug where Obsidian Sync could deactivate itself when syncing to a device with “Sync core plugins” disabled.
Fixed issue with the PDF view showing the wrong icon in the search bar.
Fixed issue with inline YouTube previews not showing for some links.
Context menus now display correctly in right-to-left mode.
Fixed issue where links in footnotes appeared twice in the outgoing links view.
Fixed bug where canvas files could become corrupted if they contained a file node with a custom property type.
Long filenames no longer display an ellipsis at the end when being renamed.
Fixed issue where clicking on a filename while renaming it would cancel the rename.
The editor context menu no longer shows Formatting options when the selection is within a link or tag.
Fixed issue where using the “Fold all” command on a long Markdown file incorrectly folded lines inside code blocks.
Fixed bug where the link autocomplete sometimes generated invalid Markdown links without the .md file extension.
Fixed an unresponsive area in the top corner of the screen when a notification was present.
Fixed issue where popover scroll position reset when the popover was repositioned on the screen.
Fixed issue where formatting commands were not always applied to table cell selections.
Fixed bug where clicking on a tag in the Tag view would sometimes bring up the search suggestion box.
Fixed bug where SVG files would not always show in page previews.
Fixed issue where “Log out” wouldn’t work if the server thought you were already logged out.
Fixed issue where the PDF view’s “copy link to selection” did not include display text if “Use wikilinks” was turned off.
Fixed issue where the “>” character after a bare link was incorrectly parsed as a quote block.
Fixed bug where items were not always visible after filtering in the Outline view.
Fixed issue where search highlights were not cleared when the current Outline view filter was cleared.
Fixed the “Insert link” command creating incorrect text selections.
Fixed an issue where “Export to PDF…” sometimes exported white text.
Fixed a bug causing some editor suggestions from plugins to not update.
Fixed keyboard navigation issues between the inline title, properties, and editor.
Fixed “Insert internal link” not triggering autocomplete.
Fixed cut/copy/paste not working when editing bookmark titles.
Fixed a bug where creating a Markdown embed sometimes showed “undefined” as the display text.
Fixed mouse back/forward buttons being processed twice in popout windows.
Obsidian Sync: Fixed “Show diff” toggle not always working in Sync History.
Clicking a property search result no longer focuses the File Properties view if frontmatter is visible in the document.
Fixed styling issues with invalid frontmatter when “Properties in document” is set to “source.”
Clicking “Check for updates” no longer causes layout shifts.
Fixed a bug where Obsidian would not always wait for pending filesystem operations before quitting.
Live preview now only escapes special characters (not letters and numbers).
Fixed bug where escape characters at the start of a list item disappeared in Live Preview.
Fixed issue where files couldn’t be moved into folders with a file of the same name but different capitalization.
Fixed issue where links with custom display text under a table confused the Markdown parser.
Vim: The latest bugfixes from our vim library (codemirror-vim) have been added. This includes fixes for arrow navigation on wrapped lines.
Editor commands no longer trigger when the tab title is focused.
Fixed URI action always getting delivered to the main window instead of the active pop-out window.
Fixed clipboard URI actions not working when a pop-out window is active.
Fixed issue with community themes only showing light or dark themes when the current theme is set to adapt to system.
Fixed issue where sidebar tabs would stay focused after collapsing the sidebar.
Fixed Shift-ArrowUp in the editor causing the inline title to get focused.
Plugin installation now automatically strips sourcemaps, making plugins smaller and faster to load.
Theme developers: REM units are now synced with the base font size.
Lucide icons have been updated to 0.446.0.
Fixed requestUrl failing silently when the URL fails to resolve.
文章名称:《黑曜石 Markdown 笔记 Obsidian 1.7.4 x64 中文多语免费版》
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