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.NET 反编译工具  ILSpy 绿色中文版

.NET 反编译工具 ILSpy 绿色中文版

作者:大眼仔~旭 日期:4周前 (01-19) 评论:0 条

摘要:.NET 反编译工具 ILSpy 绿色中文版由大眼仔旭整理发布。无论您是一个好奇的用户,喜欢分开看看是什么让应用程序发挥作用,还是 .NET 开发人员对查找特定信息感兴趣,您都可以使用 ILSpy 来分析使用 .NET Framework 设计的软件产品,仔细检查每个组件,并找出最初组装它的用途。 当然大眼仔也发布的有…

.NET 反编译工具 ILSpy 绿色中文版大眼仔旭整理发布。无论您是一个好奇的用户,喜欢分开看看是什么让应用程序发挥作用,还是 .NET 开发人员对查找特定信息感兴趣,您都可以使用 ILSpy 来分析使用 .NET Framework 设计的软件产品,仔细检查每个组件,并找出最初组装它的用途。

当然大眼仔也发布的有另外两款 .NET 反编译工具:dnSpy 中文版和 Red Gate .NET Reflector 中文版,如果你感兴趣也可以下载尝试。

.NET 反编译工具 ILSpy 中文版

.NET 反编译工具 ILSpy 中文版

尽管有许多类似的工具可供使用,但 ILSpy 非常易于使用以及免费和开源。它不需要任何安装,这意味着它可以保存到您的便携式应用程序集合中,复制到 USB 闪存驱动器,并且可以在任何PC上使用而无需设置来浏览和检查 .NET 程序集。

主应用程序窗口具有清晰的布局,分为两个主窗格:用于浏览 .NET 程序集树以及仔细查看任何选定项目。它可以检查 DLL,EXE 和 WINMD 文件(Windows 元数据)。可以从 GAC 加载数据,也可以打开 Nuget 包。

ILSpy 能够使用 C# 在 C#,IL 和 IL 中呈现代码。对于 C#,您可以选择 C#1.0/VS .NET 到 C#7.2/VS 2017。例如,您可以查看资源和引用,查看表以及将信息提取到文件。

使用 C# 在 C#,IL 和 IL 中呈现代码


考虑到所有方面,IlSpy 尽可能简单地反编译 .NET 程序集,看看是什么让软件变得简单。由于它是开源的,开发人员可以随意修改和使用其代码。

ILSpy 许可证

MIT 许可证


What’s new in ILSpy
Jan 19, 2025
New Language Features:
Add support for C# 12 primary constructors.
Add support for C# 12 ‘ref readonly’ parameters
Added support for switch on (ReadOnly)Span<char> using a compiler-generated hash function.
Added new a.GetValueOrDefault(b) -> a ?? b transform for side-effect-free default values.
Support types that provide DisposeAsync without implementing IAsyncDisposable.
Updated pattern detection to Roslyn 4.12
Added support for reading WebCIL assemblies (IL embedded in WASM) (see #3184)
Added support for reading standalone ECMA-335 metadata (portable PDB and other metadata blobs) (see #3149)
#3118: Add “Clear assembly list” menu item.
#2893: Add option to disable automatic assembly loading.
Allow implicit conversions in switch
IL output: Add indentation level to make it easier to see custom attributes belonging to interface implementations.
IL output: Print metadata token of custom attribute.
Replace native interop CommandLineToArgvW with parsing in Process.Unix.cs from System.Diagnostics.Process #3201
Natural Sort without interop #3196
AOT and x-plat changes #3203
Allow running tests on ARM64 (see #3231)
Alow collecting analyzers annotated with ExportAnalyzerAttribute (see #3239)
Fix #3237: Use ref readonly locals for readonly.ldelema
Fix #3001: Support new resources format in ResourcesFile/ResXResourceWriter
Fix #3134: Include newobj, initobj and call instructions in TypeInstantiatedByAnalyzer
Fix #3089: Add comment regarding .constraint prefix expressed as cast in C#
Fix #3372: Fix loading a DLL that contains byte sequences matching ZIP central directory
Use Microsoft.Sbom.Targets in NuGets #3346
Diagramming feature by @h0lg (see #3324)
Various WPF-related refactorings by @tom-englert (see #3257, #3266, #3274, #3283, #3285, #3291, #3292, #3294, #3295, #3297, #3298, #3299, #3302, #3308, #3314, #3325 and #3335)
High DPI fixes by @CreateAndInject (see #3348 and #3350)
TreeView: Add referenced types, members and exported types under references (#3092, @fowl2)
Adjust colors of AvalonEdit built-in highlightings for dark themes (#3138, @ltrzesniewski)
Add support for Mono C# compiler 2.6.4 pinned region with array variable (#3110, @ElektroKill)
Add smooth scrolling to settings panels and DecompilerTextView (see #3244 by @tom-englert)
Ignore empty version directories of dotnet (#3265 by @Herrmel)
Missing DecompilerSettings by @naratteu (see #3356)
Fix metadata display of DynamicLocalVariable and DefaultNamespace custom debug information (#3111, @ElektroKill)
Read and use tuple element names and dynamic type information from PDBs (#3114, @ElektroKill)
Bugfix: infinite loop in DetermineEffectiveAccessibility (#3164, @yzdeveloper)
Decompiler Settings: Checkbox in group header does not reflect state of the group (see #3252 by @tom-englert)
Fix Derived Types Node always being empty (#3280 by @Applesauce314)
Activate Dynamic Adaptation To Application Sizes (DATAS) (#3122).
RDP hardware acceleration (#3122): Enabling hardware acceleration for Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to boost performance.
Performance: Initialize ToolPanes in DockWorkspace.InitializeLayout() instead of the property getter to avoid WPF seeing them in InitializeComponent() and rendering all panes docked at the right before the layout is properly initialized.
Breaking Changes:
ICSharpCode.Decompiler: Added MetadataFile base class for PEFile
ICSharpCode.Decompiler: IModule.PEFile is now named IModule.MetadataFile
ICSharpCode.Decompiler/ILSpyX: Added IFileLoader API to allow for easier extensibility of supported file formats (see #3191)
ILSpy: Split BAML decompiler into library and add-in (see #3178)
ILSpy/ILSpyX: Moved non-UI analyzer API to ILSpyX (see #3186)
ICSharpCode.Decompiler: IProjectFileWriter and IProjectInfoProvider APIs are now public (see #3151 and #3191)
@file support with breaking changes to command line options #3205
New single instance handling #3212
Remove IsRef, IsOut and IsIn flags from IParameter
Replace ParameterModifiers with ReferenceKind.
Bug fixes:
Fix #3072: Ignoring resources with the same name as a namespace.
Fix bug in UnknownType: Ensuring that the FullName of nested unknown types contains the outer type name(s), not just the namespace and nested type name.
Fix #3153: Always using SHA1 for public key tokens.
Fix ILSpy for ZIP files/VSIX with bundle signatures: Enabling ILSpy to open ZIP files and VSIX packages containing bundle signatures.
Omit package entries from the treeview that denote the directory.
Fix #3142: Exception when analyzing source of library with global assembly attributes
Fix #3113: Remove GetAlternativeName and instead reuse existing names, if there are no conflicts.
Fix #3197: Bug when trying to read a bundle/archive file
Fix #3189: Support primitive types in Expression.Constant(object) pattern in Expression Trees
Fix #3209: Ensure using directives are added for extension methods in higher level patterns such as: foreach -> GetEnumerator(), collection initializer -> Add() and deconstruction -> Deconstruct().
Fix #3255: Ignore exceptions while decoding sequence point blobs.
Fix #2166: Unnecessary uint casts/conversions for certain bitwise operations
Fix #3310: Filter out copy-constructor only if it’s an actual record type.
Fix #3319: KeyDownEvent field reference was replaced with KeyDown event reference.
Fix #3349: Make ILSpy ready for .NET 10
Fix #3361: switch-value conversion was losing its target type.


声明:大眼仔旭 | 本文采用署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议[CC BY-NC-SA]进行授权
文章名称:《.NET 反编译工具 ILSpy 绿色中文版
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