桌面整理工具 StarDock Fences 中文版由大眼仔旭(www.dayanzai.me)发布。StarDock Fences 也被称为栅栏桌面,是著名的 Stardock 公司推出的一款软件,由该公司的首席技术构架师 Jeff Bargmann 开发的,用来分类和组织桌面上的图标一款软件。StarDock Fences 栅栏桌面可以将不同的图标放到不同的“容器”当中,使用者还可以移动和拉伸这个“容器”。这样将图标分类以后,桌面再也不会看起来一团糟了。它还提供了一个有趣的功能:双击桌面,隐藏所有图标;再次双击桌面,显示所有图标。
StarDock Fences 是一个帮助你组织桌面的程序。它可以在不使用图标时将其隐藏起来,也可以方便地将图标放入称为 “栅栏 “的可移动组中。栅栏是世界上最受欢迎的 Windows 桌面增强工具。它之所以如此引人注目,是因为它所做的事情显然是非常有用和必要的,以至于以前竟然没有人想到它。
- 创建阴影区域来组织你的桌面
- 窥视将你的围栏放在上面,以便即时访问
- 将栅栏卷到标题栏上,使桌面更整洁
- 定义规则来组织你的桌面图标
- 在多页栅栏之间滑动
- 设计用于匹配 Windows 10 和 Windows 11 主题
通过自动将您的快捷方式和图标放置在桌面上可调整大小的阴影区域内来组织您的电脑,这些阴影区域被称为栅栏,旨在与 Windows 10 和 11 相匹配。栅栏有许多定制功能,使其成为世界上最受欢迎的桌面增强工具。
通过按 Win + Space,用 Peek 即时访问你的文件、文件夹和应用程序,将你的栅栏放在所有窗口的顶部。通过创建文件夹门户,使访问常用内容只需一个 Peek 就能完成,从而节省时间,提高工作效率。
消除你桌面上的杂乱无章,但要保持你的栅栏在容易找到的地方,我们的卷起功能!双击栅栏,你就会发现它的存在。双击栅栏的标题栏将 “卷起 “栅栏的其余部分,为您节省桌面上的宝贵空间。要显示你的围栏,你可以将鼠标移到标题栏上,或者再次双击它,以正常方式查看所有的图标。
定制你的 Fences
Windows 11/10
StarDock Fences 是一款桌面管理工具,可以将桌面上的图标分组整理,形成一个个“围栏”,使桌面更加整洁有序。用户可以自定义围栏的名称、颜色、透明度等属性,还可以通过拖拽方式调整图标的位置和大小。
What’s new in Fences
Sep 26, 2024
Added functionality to resolve excessive User Account Control prompts.
Added the “Create debug package” option to the Troubleshooting area
Added a new advanced (C++) logging option to the Troubleshooting area
Updated Win11ContextMenu package’s internal package icons (new installs only)
Prevent rare situations where all icons could end up on the desktop upon app startup
Prevent situations where a layout could not save when using old layout modes
Added resilience for desktop folders relocated to removable drives
Fixes ‘number of times opened’ sorting for items in a Fence.
Fixed “icons bunch up on bottom” issue
Fixed “layout stuck” issue
New feature: Ability to “Swap Screen Contents” in the Layouts tab. If you’ve arrived at a multi-monitor configuration and your icons/groups are not on the correct monitor, you can swap them until it’s right. Find this under “Adjust displays” link.
Major Update: All users are now being migrated to the new multi-mon compatible auto layout adjustment system introduced in Fences v5.50. Unlike the previous options, this new system will keep track of your group positions on a per-monitor-configuration basis so that when you plug and unplug monitors/dock and undock, your groups and icons will be right where you left them. Additional messaging has been placed throughout the Layout tab area to emphasize and notify when users arrive to this tab. (Only users who currently have or have had in the past more than 1 monitor will be notified.)
Major Improvement: Folder Portals now resize lightning fast, so you can see their contents rearrange in real-time as you resize your group. It’s pretty neat! And now super responsive.
Compatibility update: Peek performance and reliability has been further improved with the latest Windows Insider.
Compatibility update: It was possible for some Folder Portals to delay showing if one of the folder portals was actively syncing (i.e. Dropbox). This has been worked around.
Compatibility update: Roll-up Fence groups will remain open and expanded (vs retract) when you right-click on a file and navigate using Windows 11 Insider’s new file context menu.
Compatibility update: On the latest Windows 11 Insider builds, desktop icon spacing will now respond more favorably especially when changing DPIs and especially when desktop icon size is set to “large”.
Fix: When using Peek, you can now properly hold Control to multi-select files.
Fix: Folder Portals now correctly scroll with the mouse wheel one icon at a time, instead of Explorer’s default of 1.5x at a time.
Fix: Folder Portals that have icons smaller than the desktop + are a single row in height would be taller than they should be on startup.
Fix: Potential crash when changing Windows system themes.
Fix: Using the pipe symbol “|” in title could cause issue with rules system.
Fix: Rule picker will now better stay up to date if you create a new Fence group and then navigate back to the dialog.
Fix: Mouse wheel + control now once again correctly resizes desktop icons .
Fix: Peek could dismiss if you do a desktop lasso during Peek and release the mouse outside of the Peek area.
QOL Improvement: Double-clicking on the “folder” or “up” icon of a folder portal title bar no longer triggers roll-up
文章名称:《桌面整理工具 StarDock Fences x64 中文多语免费版》
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