比特彗星 BitComet 中文版下载由大眼仔旭发布。BitComet 中文名也叫比特彗星,是一款免费的 BT/HTTP/FTP 下载软件!功能强大速度快,操作简单的 BT 下载软件,BT 资源下载利器!现在的迅雷越来越不好用,使用比特彗星 BitComet 下载也许是一个不错的选择。
比特彗星(BitComet,简写为”BC”)是一款采用“C++”编程语言为 Microsoft Windows 平台编写的 BitTorrent 客户端软件,也可用于 HTTP/FTP 下载,并可选装 eMule 插件(eMule plug-in)通过 ed2k 网络进行 BT/eMule 同时下载。它的特性包括同时下载,下载队列,从多文件种子(torrent)中选择下载单个文件,快速恢复下载,聊天,磁盘缓存,速度限制,端口映射,代理服务器和IP地址过滤等。最新的版本中加入了公用 DHT 网络的支持和反吸血保护(针对迅雷)设定。
BitComet 软件特色
BitComet(比特彗星)是一个完全免费的 BitTorrent(BT)下 载管理软件,也称 BT 下载客户端,同时也是一个集 BT/HTTP/FTP 为一体的下载管理器。BitComet(比特彗星)拥有多项领先的 BT 下载技术,有边下载边播放的独有技术,也有方便自然的使用界面。最新版又将BT技术应用到了普通的HTTP/FTP下载,可以通过BT技术加速您的普通下载。
BitComet 硬件需求
- CPU:1 GHz 或更快的处理器。
- 内存:至少 512 MB 的内存。
- 显卡:支持 OpenGL 1.4 及以上版本的显卡。
- 存储空间:至少 100 MB 的可用磁盘空间。
- 操作系统:Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista 32bit/64bit/Windows XP/2003/2000 32bit。注意:Windows 98/Me 用户请使用 v1.20 免安装版。
- 网络连接:用于进行文件下载和上传的稳定的宽带互联网连接。
需要注意的是,以上是 BitComet 最低硬件要求,如果用户要下载较大的文件或者同时进行多个任务,那么需要更高配置的电脑。同时,还应根据实际情况调整占用带宽和同时下载任务数量等参数,以避免导致电脑过热或者出现其他问题。
BitComet 许可证
本软件是免费许可软件,不进行出售。你可以免费的复制,分发和传播本软件, 但您必须保证每一份复制、分发和传播都必须是未更改过的,完整和真实的。您作为个人私用本软件。您只能对本软件进行非商业应用。
What’s new in BitComet v2.122025.01.14
GUI Improved: Upgraded the UI library to fix cropping issues in scrolling windows on macOS 14+
GUI Improved: If the task list has been sorted, when you click the task sort button in the toolbar, a prompt message will be displayed to unsort first
GUI Improved: Added command line parameters –bt_port and –webui_port to set the listening port
GUI Improved: The environment variables BITCOMET_BT_PORT and BITCOMET_WEBUI_PORT are read when the main program is started in command line mode and are used to set the listening port
GUI Improved: Command-line mode reads environment variables WEBUI_USERNAME and WEBUI_PASSWORD when the main program starts, which is used to set the WEBUI username and password
GUI Improved: Improved the layout of remote access page in options window
GUI bugfix: When dark mode is disabled, the webview still follows the system setting of dark mode
GUI bugfix: The list should scroll when dragging the task to reorder the task list
GUI bugfix: When dragging a task to reorder the task list, the page up/down key will change the dragged task
GUI bugfix: When dragging a task to reorder the task list, the target location indicator blinks
WebUI: implements the server list and connection list for HTTP tasks
WebUI: implements the task logs, global logs, and global statistics pages
WebUI: The maximum number of rows displayed in the multi-line input box has been increased
WebUI: fixed the issue that “Download Later” does not work when adding a HTTP task
WebUI: fixed the error message after deleting a task
Core Improved: Added advanced option network.exclude_remote_access_from_connection_restrictions that allows global rate limiting and TCP connection cap to exclude remote access connections, replacing the network.ignore_remote_access_in_speed_limit setting introduced in version 2.10
Core Improved: The UDP packet timeout for DHT and UDP Tracker is adjusted to 10 sec
Core Improved: The peer log in expert mode shows the Super Seed progress report log
Core Improved: Added command line mode main program bitcometd.exe which has no graphical interface, and only supports web UI interface
Core Improved: Added memory usage details to the Statistics page for macOS and Linux
Core Improved: Adjusted the priority of TCP connections such as Tracker and RSS
Core Improved: Added ALPN header for HTTPS downloads
Core bugfix: After switching the listening port, the CPU usage statistics of UDP are invalid
Core Bugfix: The remaining memory of the system in Linux should include the memory occupied by cache and buffer
Core bugfix: The HTTP task handles the case where the original link redirects to different CDN addresses
文章名称:《比特彗星 BT 种子下载软件 BitComet 2.12 + x64 中文多语免费版》
本站资源仅供个人学习交流,请于下载后 24 小时内删除,不允许用于商业用途,否则法律问题自行承担。
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