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远程桌面控制工具 AnyDesk 8.1.0 中文多语免费版

远程桌面控制工具 AnyDesk 8.1.0 中文多语免费版

作者:大眼仔~旭 日期:1周前 (09-18) 评论:27 条

摘要:AnyDesk 中文版由大眼仔旭发布。AnyDesk 中文版是市场上最快的远程桌面软件。AnyDesk 允许新的使用场景和已经没有可能与目前的远程桌面软件应用程序。在互联网上因为受种种因素影响,远程连接桌面的速度通常会比较慢。AnyDesk 中文版的开发者试图解决这个问题,它使用了 DeskRT 技术,内含新的视频解码…

AnyDesk 中文版大眼仔旭发布。AnyDesk 中文版是市场上最快的远程桌面软件。AnyDesk 允许新的使用场景和已经没有可能与目前的远程桌面软件应用程序。在互联网上因为受种种因素影响,远程连接桌面的速度通常会比较慢。AnyDesk 中文版的开发者试图解决这个问题,它使用了 DeskRT 技术,内含新的视频解码器,并且提供了最简化的登录和控制方式,使你能在现有的PC上体验到更流畅的远程桌面。


桌面远程控制工具 AnyDesk 绿色中文版

AnyDesk 功能特色

你知道如何远程桌面使用的是:缓慢而乏味。对于 AnyDesk 的发展,我们向后退了一步并询问自己的根本问题。应该如何远程桌面的工作?什么是现代计算机的硬件是否可行?AnyDesk 是从底层向上设计是突破性的。其核心是 DeskRT,一个新的视频编解码器,是专门为图形用户界面设计。这就是为什么 AnyDesk 是飞跃前进。

AnyDesk 传输通过局域网和许多互联网连接每秒60帧。这比任何竞争的远程桌面应用程序更加,使屏幕上的运动尽可能顺利,因为大多数PC显示器也以每秒60帧运行。 AnyDesk 使得无冲击的工作成为可能。

延迟在尽可能低的水平是工作在远程桌面上的关键。延迟越低,更快的远程PC响应您的输入。由于互联网连接总是从一台电脑传输数据时,对方施加一定的延迟,这是非常重要的,AnyDesk 增加了尽可能少的法案。在本地网络中,任何延迟桌子下面就在于60毫秒,不再察觉。

如果远程桌面软件是用来通过 Internet 连接,尽可能高的带宽效率是决定因素。这对于像UMTS移动连接尤其如此。 AnyDesk 带宽效率使得它可以流畅的可用带宽为100 KB/秒完成办公任务。但也有更低的带宽,AnyDesk 仍然执行比竞争对手要好得多。

忘记可靠性低和繁琐的防火墙配置。使用你的个人电脑的任何地方,没有任何麻烦。无论是五分钟,五个小时 – 你甚至不会注意到 AnyDesk 是存在的。您的个性化 AnyDesk-ID 是关键,您的桌面与您所有的应用程序,照片,文档和文件。您的信息保持它的归属。在您的硬盘驱动器,以及无处。

AnyDesk 是一款远程桌面软件,可以让用户在不同的设备之间进行远程控制和文件传输。它具有高速、安全、易用等特点,支持跨平台操作,可以在 Windows、Mac、Linux、Android、iOS 等多个操作系统上使用。

从用户评价来看,AnyDesk 的速度非常快,连接稳定,画面清晰,操作流畅,同时也具有较高的安全性,支持加密传输和双因素认证等功能。此外,AnyDesk 还提供了多种实用的功能,如会话记录、文件传输、剪贴板共享等,方便用户进行远程协作和管理。

总的来说,AnyDesk 是一款功能强大、易用性高的远程桌面软件,适合个人和企业用户使用。


What’s new in AnyDesk 8.1.0
Sep 18, 2024
New Features:
Added URL based License Registration mechanism that allows registering a license via link
The name of Address Book Entries is now shown in the tab header when connecting to them
Update panel now shows both the installed and to-be-installed versions of AnyDesk
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed bug that caused some messages to not show up after license registration
Fixed bug that prevented some Custom Client settings to work
Fixed some textual bugs in settings
Fixed some DPI related visual bugs
Fixed bug that prevented some users from enabling Two Factor Authentication
Fixed bug that sometimes treated microphones as speakers
Fixed bug that caused Displays to stay on even after an outgoing session already ended
Fixed signing of Remote Printing Driver
Fixed signing issues of MSI installer
Fixed bug that sometimes caused the wrong Permission Profile to be selected after Elevation Requests
Fixed bug that would silently fail Session Recordings when missing write permissions
Fixed Drag&Drop behavior of Address Tiles
Fixed behavior of Status Bar that shows Connection and License issues
Fixed TCP Tunnel permission not working
Fixed crash when clicking File Manager Button during while connecting
Fixed missing close button in outgoing File Manager Session during while connecting
Fixed Command Line Interface to open Settings to fit the restructured Settings pages
Fixed missing “About AnyDesk” option in Incoming Only Custom Clients
Fixed synchronization of some permission states so that options become available immediately when permission is granted
Fixed handling of SAS permission
Fixed crash when hitting Enter key in dialog to add Address to Address Book
Fixed bug that allowed registering a license via CLI while logged in with an Account
Fixed bug that showed Permission Profiles in Outgoing Only Custom Clients
Fixed visual bug that caused the File Manager toolbar button to be highlighted when showing a screen
Fixed bug that allowed connection without password after cancelling Remote Restart Attempt
Fixed visual bug that caused email address to be cut off in Account Login Popup
Fixed visual bug that caused About Panel to not update properly when adding On-Premise license
Fixed bug that prevented Preset Password Banner from showing up when setting password via Dynamic Config in my.anydesk
Fixed crash when cancelling UAC dialog (Elevation Request)
Fixed bug that caused uninstaller to not remove everything
Fixed rare crash in Permission Profile Settings
Fixed crash in Command Line Interface when sending connection requests
Fixed bug that caused Reset Password button to not show up correctly
Fixed bug that caused visual indicator for active display to not work in full screen mode
Fixed bug that prevented Alt-Tab to work in non-connection tabs during when there was an active session
Fixed bug that allowed incoming connections in Forced Login Clients
Fixed visual bug that affected + and – buttons in Wake-On-LAN settings
Fixed subtle bug in Windows version detection logic
Fixed bug that prevented removal of passwords from Permission Profiles
Fixed bug that caused delayed update of Permission Profiles settings
Fixed bug that prevented the Personal Address Book to open after login
Fixed bug that caused clicking the user icon in File Manager to navigate to the wrong settings page
Fixed bug that sometimes restricted permissions of legacy clients more than it should
Fixed bug that did not restore Session Recording settings correctly when removing a license
Fixed bug that prevented some buttons in the Session Limit Reached dialog from working
Fixed crash when adding Permission Profiles via Command Line Interface
Fixed crash when trying to open Chat Log from Recent Session list
Fixed crash when trying to open Session Recordings from Recent Session list
Fixed bug that caused + and – buttons for Access Control List to be invisible
Fixed bug that would stop audio transmission when minimizing the window
Fixed scaling of resize border on big resolution screens
Fixed bugs that caused synchronization of some settings between multiple settings windows to not happen correctly
Fixed bug that caused previous window size to not be remembered correctly in some cases
Fixed many more minor User Interface issues
Other Changes:
Improved localization
Improved user experience when connecting to iOS clients


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声明:大眼仔旭 | 本文采用署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议[CC BY-NC-SA]进行授权
文章名称:《远程桌面控制工具 AnyDesk 8.1.0 中文多语免费版
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